Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
Upgrade Documentation
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Upgrade Documentation

Winter 2005

Printable Version

Menu 1 - Order Entry and Invoicing                                                                          

Menu 1.2 - Order Entry and Inovoicing

  • When an item is assigned to multiple warehouse locations, all locations will print on the Pick Ticket.   This feature (only) of the upgrade will need to be manually installed for your store.  If you would like to have this feature installed, please enter a support job and we will coordinate the additional coding involved to add this feature to your system.
  • The Customer Name character space has been extended in the Customer Lookup Screen.
  • When printing a laser quote, the disclaimer "This quote will be honored for XX days from date shown above" now prints on the bottom of the quote.
  • Customer certification information is now printing on invoices that list a product requiring certification.

Menu 2- Order Entry Reports                                                                                    

Menu 2.23 Open Quotes by Customer 
- There is now the option to select a printer in menu 2.23, this allows for greater flexibility in printing this report.

Menu 2.27 - Order Entry Audit - When a credit override is authorized the system will now capture the name of the person who is making the override.

Menu 3 - Accounting Registers                                                                                 

Menu 3.1 - Daily Invoice Register
- A date prompt has been added to select a range of invoices based on date.

Menu 4 - Accounts Receivable                                                                                 

Menu 4.1.9 - Credit Manager Inquiry

  • When using the 'L' Lookup option in 4.1.9, the Lookup screen now displays the AR balance in the last column.

  • Users can now get to the AR Adjustment Menu (4.1.2) from within Menu 4.1.9 by typing in 'AD' at the last screen.

Menu 4.4.2 - Dunning Letter Edit Report - An additional column has been added to the report that shows customer ranking as either A, B, or C as an additional tool to use in assigning Dunning letters.

Menu 5 - Price Maintenance                                                                                    

Menu 5.2A - Bulk Copy/Delete
- This system will now file transfer both reports.  Previously, this menu would only file transfer the second report, overwriting the first report. 

Menu 5.17 - Price Book For A Customer - At this menu the following new prompt appears:  New Price Book to Include Menu 5.33 Pricing (Y/<enter>).  Enter 'Y' at this prompt to get the new report.

Menu 5.33 New Customer Pricing Matrix 

  • Enter a "Y" in Menu (Product Master Maintenance), field 21, if you want the pricing in Menu 5.33 to always be used, even if the price in 5.33 is higher than the price in field 14. EACH PRICE.  Also, when you set this flag to "Y", the flyer pricing will be blocked, and you will not have to block the Corp transmission update of this product's price. 
  • Menu 5.33 will give users the ability to set pricing or discounts for 'ALL' vendors as well as a specific vendor.

Menu 7 - Purchasing                                                                                                

Menu 7.1A Rolldown to Order Entry 
- Store transfer PO's that are rolled down using menu 7.1A, will now have a tax jurisdiction code in the resulting order. 

Menu 12 -  File Maintenance                                                                                    

Menu - Mailing List Maintenance - The mailer types have been updated to menu, field 16.  To view the available options enter a '?' in field 16.

Menu, Field 21 Menu 5.33- Enter a "Y" in Menu (Product Master Maintenance), field 21, if you want the pricing in Menu 5.33 to always be used, even if the price in 5.33 is higher than the price in field 14. EACH PRICE.  Also, when you set this flag to "Y", the flyer pricing will be blocked, and you will not have to block the Corp transmission update of this product's price. 

Menu 12.4.11 Vendor Maintenance Listing - There is now an option to select a printer in menu 12.4.11, this allows for greater flexibility in printing this report. 

Menu 13 - Accounts Payable                                                                                    

Menu 13.2.1 - AP Payment Schedule (Aged)
- An aged AP can now be entered based on six dates instead of three.

Menu 13.2.2 - Scheduled Cash Disbursements & Menu 13.2.3 - Cash Disbursements (By Due Date) - Both menu paths will now sort in invoice date order and not in voucher number order. 

Menu 13.2.9 - Bank Reconciliation Entry - Prompt has been fixed (Y***/N).  Previously, the prompt said Y/N.

Menu 13.5A - Vendor Purchase History Inquiry - Users now have the flexibility to search by Invoice or Check Number, without first knowing the Vendor.

Menu 13.2.11 - Check Reversal - Users are now able to enter a check number longer then 6 digits.  The maximum digit allowed is 9.

Menu 13.20.1- Accounts Payable Voucher Input - If a user enters the bill amount as a credit in field #6, then field #2, Trans Code will automatically change to a 'C'.  The distribution will also show as a credit amount.

Menu 13.20.2 - Purchase Order Receipts Update to AP

  • As an added safety measure user can no longer pay for more then what was received.
  • Receivers are now set to purge after 370 days.  Previously they purged after 3 months.  Receivers can be manually cleared using Menu 13.20.27.

Menu 13.20.7 - PO Receiving Not Yet Vouchered - Users can view the results on the screen and for just one receiver.  Previously, the report had to be printed in its entirety.

Menu 14 - General Ledger                                                                                       

Menu 14.1.3 - Journal Entries - Entries cannot be done for a fiscal period that is closed.

Menu 14.1.4 - Auto Reversing - Entries cannot be done for a fiscal period that is closed.

Menu 14.2.4 - Preliminary Trial Balance - The Preliminary Trial Balance is now printable for just one company.

Menu 19 - Inquiries                                                                                                   

Menu 19.1 - Customer Orders Not Purged
- The purged orders will now sort based on order date and not order number.   

Menu 19.6 - Stock Status

  • After entering an item, users can now select "P" to view all programs/customers that have special pricing on the item.
  • The stock status last cost change will display when cost/price changes happen during the EOD Corp transmission.

Menu 20 - Utilities                                                                                                    

Menu 20.29 - Download Hold Entries (FT) - This menu will file transfer the last report in the system that was printed to the spooler.

Menu 35 - Parameter Menu                                                                                      

Menu 35.10 - EOD Update Parameter Maintenance
- In field 10, users now have the ability to Download Corp Invoices at 5am.  Answering 'Y' will tell the system to wait and download Corp invoices at 5am local time.  Answering 'N' or leaving the field blank will tell the system to download Corp invoices during the EOD process.

Menu 35.20.4 - JS Webstore Account Maintenance - Additional email address fields have been added to Account Maintenance, menu 35.20.4.  This option will allow the setup of additional email addresses; these email addresses can be different email address at the store or for a customer.  For example: if you want one of your salesman to see orders placed on specific customer accounts they are working on, or the AP department for the customer.  These emails addresses can be added using menu 35.20.4.

End of Day                                                                                                                

Store transfers will no longer show up on the EOD report "Items Below Cost" (Report #0126)

End of Month                                                                                                            

A Lost Sales Report is now part of the EOM report run.  The report is #01-115.

HTML Statements                                                                                                     

We have fixed the aging buckets on the HTML Statements.  The buckets have been changed to Current / 31 - 60  /  61 - 90  /  90 +

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