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Menu 5.15 – MATRIX Pricing   (Old Menu 5.33)

Hierarchy for customer pricing  Menu 5.15

  1. Individual contracts entered in 5.3 – if finds something uses this price, if not moves on to …
  2. Program contracts entered in 5.3 – if finds something uses this price, if not moves on to …
  3. Searches all of 5.15 to find the absolute lowest price and uses that scenario.  If nothing is entered in 5.15 then moves back to old menu 5.3 (as explained above).
    • Note: Any customer specific pricing setup in 5.15 (even for customer ALL) will always override program pricing, even if that program happens to be lower than the customer specific pricing.   
    • Note: Any Product Specific Pricing setup in 5.15 will always override vendor/product class/product type/catagory pricing even if that price happens to be lower then the product specific pricing.

On the O/E screen on the lower left had side you will see a small bucket with a code in it such as CP, CV, PP, PV, SP, etc. when a price matrix is used.  The following is for reference for the codes:

 CP – Customer, Product    PP – Program, Product     SP - Cust.Class, Product
 CG – Customer, Category  PG – Program, Category   SG - Cust.Class, Category
 CC – Customer, Class       PC – Program, Class        SC - Cust.Class, Prod.Class
 CT – Customer, Type         PT – Program, Type         ST - Cust.Class, Prod.Type
 CV – Customer, Vendor     PV – Program, Vendor      SV - Cust.Class, Vendor

To use Menu 5.15.

C/P/S – Enter a ‘C’ for customer or a ‘P’ for *program or a 'S' for customer class

  • Option ‘C’ – After entering a ‘C’ you will be prompted for the customer number.  Enter 'L' for lookup, 'All' for all customers or enter a valid customer number.
    • NOTE:  When selecting "ALL" customer numbers, stock status will display the calculated prices from this screen.  Enter a "Y" in Menu- (Product Master Maintenance), field 21, if you want the Menu-5.15, customer "ALL" price to ALWAYS be used, even if the price in 5.15 is higher than the price in field 14.EACH PRICE.  Also, when you set this flag to "Y", the flyer pricing will be blocked, and you will NOT have to block the corp transmission update of this product's price (Menu-, field 4). 
  • *Option ‘P’ – After entering a ‘P’ you will be prompted to enter the program name.  Enter a name you have selected for this program.  Also, enter this program name in Customer Maintenance (menu, screen 2, field 7) for all customers that receive this price matrix, similar to contracts in Menu 5.3.
  • Option 'S' After entering an 'S' you will be prompted for the customer class.  Enter a valid customer class.

*PVCTG – Enter one of the following depending on what you are trying to do

  • P – Enter ‘P’ if you are setting pricing or discounts for a specific product.  Then enter the specific product number you are setting up, or ALL for all products. (Use ‘L’ for lookup)
  • V – Enter ‘V’ if you are setting pricing or discounts for a specific vendor.  Then enter the specific vendor you are trying to set up.  (Use ‘L’ for lookup)
  • C – Enter ‘C’ if you are setting pricing or discounts for a product class.  Product classes can be found in Menu 12.3.24.  Then enter the product class you are setting up.
  • T – Enter ‘T’ if you are setting pricing or discounts for a product type.  A list of product types can be found in Menu 12.3.25.  Then enter the product type you are setting up. Use this link for information on How to Setup New Product Types.
  • G – Enter ‘G’ if you are setting pricing or discounts for a product category.  A list of product categories can be found in Menu 12.3.34.  Then enter the product category you are setting up.

ABC – Press <enter> to select ALL product ABC rankings, otherwise enter ABC or D to have the selected price matrix only apply to the product ABC ranking for the warehouse the order is being entered.

DPOINT - Points to a bucket:                         CPOINT - Points to a cost:
  0 = Each Price                                               0 = Each Price
01 = First bucket                                             -1 = Branch Cost
02 = Second bucket etc...                                -2 = Average Cost
06 = Last bucket   
                                          -3 = Direct Cost *if no direct cost will default to branch cost



When the "S"ell price option is selected, the system will prompt for the actual sell price that the user determines.  This will then auto setup the matrix as follows.  If there is a list price on this product, it will auto fill Field 2, DPOINT with a price pointer of "23" and auto fill Field 3, DISC% with the calculated discount percentage off the list price to get the desired sell price.  If there is no list price on this product, it will auto fill Field 2, DPOINT with a price pointer of "0" and auto fill Field 3, DISC% with the calculated discount percentage off the each price to get the desired sell price.

The same ‘S’ell Price feature is also available for Bucket 1, Bucket 2, Bucket A, and Bucket B. 


***Note:  when setting up pricing for a specific customer, their List Price Multiplier will display directly to the right of the customer name.  (EX:  MULT=0.4875) and the pricing options will be relative to the calculated net price based on the individual multiplier instead of a standard .4500 multiplier.


  • Field 26. -The Effective Date is the date the pricing is to be begin. 
  • Field 27. -The Expiration Date is the day pricing will end.  The expiration date will print out on Menu 5.24 - Contract Prices Below Minimum GP%.
  • Field 28.-The Ignore Pointer field –This is set in order to bypass the price pointer setup in customer detail M-, field 4 when you want specific product pricing scenarios setup in the pricing matrix to take precedent
  • NEW FEATURE: SS to access Stock Status from 5.15.

Last Updated 05/20/2009

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