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Accounts Payable

Menu 13.20.2 - Purchase Order Receipts Update to A/P

  • Stores can now control the account posted to in Menu 13.20.2 to A/P when there is a price variance.  If there is no quantity on hand then the variance will be posted to the account in Field #19 in Menu 12.1.7, General Ledger Control Maintenance. If this field is left blank, then Cost of Goods will be the default account posted to.
  • Changes made to average cost in Menu 13.20.2 because of variances between a vendor invoice and a purchase order can now be viewed at menu 13.20.34
  • An additional prompt has been added to Menu 13.20.2. Use the “F” option to add a freight amount right before the final update.
  • Users can get to the inquiry menu from within 13.20.2,  using the “INQ” option at the bottom of the screen.  This is a useful tool in researching purchase orders while vouchering.

Menu 13.20.2 - Purchase Order Receipts Update to A/P U2006.1

  • In menu 13.20.2, users can enter a purchase order to find a receiver number.  A list of receivers associated with the entered PO will be displayed.  Alternately, the user can return past this prompt, see below, and simply enter the Vendor number and proceed as usual. At the next prompt, when asked for the receiver number, the user can use one of the provided receivers displayed or use the paper receiver, depending on processes in place.  

Menu 13.20.2 - Changing Product Price  U2006.1

In menu 13.20.2, when the user changes a product’s price, they will now see the following prompt at the bottom of the screen:



User will have the opportunity to update the Product Master’s Branch Cost, Direct Costs, Both costs or Neither depending on the option they select.  Changes to the Product Master are instantaneous. However, if a change is made to a catalog item, unless the price/cost transmission is suppressed in menu, the change could be overridden with the next transmission.

This prompt will display anytime the cost has been changed in menu-13.20.2.

1. Don’t update – only the cost relating to this vendor invoice & receiver will be changed
2. Branch – update this new cost to PROD.MAST (, field 16. BR CRP CST
3. Direct – update this new cost to PROD.MAST (, field 18. DIR CST
4. Both – update both branch & direct costs

Also, these cost changes will update the audit file on menu-12.7 File History Maintenance. 

U2005.3 Upgrade

  • As an added safety measure user can no longer pay for more then what was received.
  • Receivers are now set to purge after 370 days.  Previously they purged after 3 months.  Receivers can be manually cleared using Menu 13.20.27.

U2005.2 Upgrade

  • As of U2005.2 when merchandising invoices are being entered in Menu 13.20.2, when the message "No Open PO Receipts" appears the user will be sent back to the Vendor Number prompt to reenter another vendor instead of being kicked out of the batch entirely.
  • Receivers can be pulled for other companies when vouchering if they are set for AP cross-pointing.  For instance, a store can now post against receivers from Company 01 batch for all their branches.


Page Last Updated 02/12/09

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