Accounts Receivable
Menu 4.1.9 - Credit Manager Inquiry
Aging Buckets
Users can chose whether their system ages based on invoice date, due date or as is (from end of month). This will be parameter driven and will affect the aging buckets in 4.1.9 and aging reports.
To select your aging method, go to Menu-35.6, screen 2, field 18. Age by: 1)Month-end 2)Due.Dt 3)Inv.Dt
- Month-end - same aging calculation as before, credits will age against overdue balances.
- Due Date – invoices will age based on the number of days past the due date.
- Invoice Date – Aging will be based on the number of days since the invoice was run.
Note: If this parameter is not updated - everything will continue as normal
You may change the parameter daily to see which method best serves your needs; however, it will need to run through an EOD before you’ll see the change in aging.
U2008.3 Upgrade Feature
Job Description: Swap locations of Pd TD$ and Pay$ fields
Menu Path: Menu 4.1.9 Credit Manager Inquiry
How to Use it: The “Payd TD$” and “Pay$” fields in 4.1.9 have been switched. Now the “Pay$” field will display the amount of the last check posted on the date reflected in the field immediately above it. Also, ‘Pd TD$’ has been updated to ‘PYTD$’, Paid Year To-Date.
Job Description: Display statement invoice delivery method in the Credit Manager Header screen.
Menu Path: Menu 4.1.9 Credit Manager Inquiry
Why Use it: To view the Statement and Invoice delivery method for a specific customer.
How to Use it: Go to Menu 4.1.9 and enter the desired customer number. The statement and Invoice delivery method displayed below is pulling from Menu field 31 (Invoice) and field 34 (Statement). For a complete list of delivery methods view the documentation on this link or enter a ‘?’in field 31 or Field 34.
U2007.3 Upgrade Feature
Description: Added display of email address in Accounts Receivable Inquiry Menu Path: Menu 4.1.9 (Credit Manager Inquiry)
Why Use it: Ease of access to customer email information (from M-, field 17) in the credit manager’s inquiry screen (Menu 4.1.9). Allows confirmation of the customer email address before emailing copies of the invoice.
How to use it: The email address is displayed at the bottom-left of the customer header information before the transition to customer invoice detail.
U2007.2 Upgrade
Display customer/invoice informationwith confirmation prior to faxing/emailing.
When using Menu 4.1.9, Invoice ‘F’ax or ‘E’mail option after entering an invoice or string of invoices a recap of the invoice customer# and AR amount is displayed giving a chance to confirm that this is the right information that is about to go out. Options are ‘Y’ to send or END to reenter the invoices.
U2005.3 Upgrade
- When using the 'L' Lookup option in 4.1.9, the Lookup screen now displays the AR balance in the last column.
- Users can now get to the AR Adjustment Menu (4.1.2) from within Menu 4.1.9 by typing in 'AD' at the last screen.
U2005.2 Upgrade
- Additional fields have been added to the header of Menu 4.1.9: Customer ABC Ranking, Tax Jurisdiction and YTD Sales
- When emailing an invoice in Menu 4.1.9, Signature Capture users now have the ability to send a special message with the emailed invoice.
- Users can now access the credit card maintenance screen by entering "CC" at the third screen that displays the Aging Buckets.
- Parameter 35.6, screen 2, field 20 - If option '1' is selected the user will be taken to the next screen in Menu 4.1.9. If option '2' is selected, in menu 4.1.9 totals will be displayed. Option '2' is the default setting.
Page Last Updated 11/08/07 |