Menu 35.10 EOD Update Parameter Maintenance Users no longer need to run menus 32.1.1 and 32.1.2. Cost transmissions now run automatically as part of the End of Day process. Price transmissions are also included as automatic parts of the End of Day process, but only from the 1st through the 25th of the month. Price transmissions after the 25th include the next month's flyer prices. Monthly flyer prices will automatically update as part of the End of Month process.
Parameters for the automatic price/cost update are controlled through menu 35.10.
Menu 35.10
- Print List of New Products to Maintain - Select 'Y' to print a list of new products to maintain from the price transmission with the end of day reports. Select 'N' to not print the new product list with the end of day reports.
- Bulk Maintain New Products - Select 'Y', all new products will be maintained automatically. Select 'N' all new products will need to be maintained manually using menu 5.5 or individually, using the new products report.
- List PO's with Different Costs than Received - Select 'Y' to receive a list of PO's with different costs, than costs received in the nightly cost transmission.
- List of Contract Prices with Cost Changes - Select 'Y' to receive a list of parts on contracts with changed costs. This report will print with your end of day reports.
- Receive and Update Vendor Buying during EOD - Select 'Y' to receive and update the Vendor Master (menu information. Select 'N' not to receive and update. Vendor buying information (menu and will always be updated for viewing in Notes. To manually update Vendor Information run m-32.12.1 and 32.12.5.
Update Old OEM Parts Prices During EOM - Entering a 'Y' on this option in the Auto Cost/Vendor Update at EOD menu 35.10 will update the product, each price any time a price transmission is executed and updated. Also, this option will clear any lot pricing that was previously updated by Corp on these products.
Auto Transmit Full Mailer during EOD - This menu path will replace running m- Select 'Y' to automatically transmit your Mailing List to Corp. during the EOD processes the night after the date entered in Field 8.
Enter Day of Month for Full Mailer Trans - Enter the day of the month you want your mailer to be transmitted to Corp. Keep in mind you will still need to meet the Corp. deadlines for accepting the mailing list. DST recommends the 20th of the month.
New Hangout Report by Operator - Select 'Y' to print the new Hangout Report with your EOD. This new report will print each operator's orders on a separate sheet, and will print the open pick orders, and the open backorders as well.
Download Corp Invoices at 5:00am - Users now have the ability to Download Corp Invoices at 5am. Answering 'Y' will tell the system to wait and download Corp invoices at 5am local time. Answering 'N' or leaving the field blank will tell the system to download Corp invoices during the EOD process.
EOD Update Parameter Maintenance - Menu 35.10, Field 11 has bee added - Program/Contracts Expiration Days – Enter the number of days from today for which you want to include contracts that will be expiring within that number of days. For example, 30 days will show what expired 30 days before today and also what will expire within 30 days from today. EOD Xref-ID 01-156.
(updated 07/27/2006)
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