Accounts Receivable
1. Build/Print/Fax/Email statements on demand - This menu will first build the statements, which will take a while, and then gives you the option to either print, fax or email one statement or all statements. Use this menu to print, fax or email a statement on demand, to print/fax/email statments for the current month if you do not have the parameter in 35.14, field 9 set to Y to build statemend during the EOM, or if you print mid-month statements. *If not run on the first of the month, it will not be an accurate reflection of an account as-of a specific cut-off date. It will be as the account stands at that moment in time.
4. Print/Fax/Email Statements from Last End-of-Month - Use this menu to Print, Fax AND e-mail the statements, all at once, that were built during EOM. **This requires that the parameter in 35.14 field 9 is set to Y. You may print the current months statement, or any previous month's that were saved on the server. Please review the procedural documentation for this program before using.
5. Fax EOM Statement for selected customer & month - Use this menu to fax a statement for a selected customer for a selected month (provided it is saved on the server). You will receive the following prompts:
Fax Customer Statements
Enter Company Number or 'END' to quit:
Enter Customer Number(s), separate by ';', or 'END' to quit:
Enter Statement Date (MM/DD/YY) or 'END' to quit:
Enter Fax Number, <ENTER> for NNN-NNN-NNNN or 'END' to quit:
6. Reprint EOM Statement for selected customer & month - Use this menu to reprint a statement for a selected customer for a selected month. You will receive the following prompts:
Enter Customer Number or 'END' to quit?
Enter Month (MM)?
9. Statement Faxlog update & Report - click here for documentation.
10. Statement E-mail log update & Report - Currently in development.
11. Laser Service Charge Calc & Invoice - Program to print laser service charge invoices.
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