Credit Card Processing on Signature Capture Pads
Currently, the credit card processing software is compatible with the Heartland an US Merchant (Transaction Central) credit card processors. If you are interested in getting started or are currently using either one of these processors and wish to have the Database credit card solution installed on the pads, complete the steps on the following documents for the processor you are/want to use.
Credit Card Process Documentation for both Heartland and US Merchants
Frequently Asked Question(s)
Question: Can split payments be processed (paying with two credit cards, cash/credit card payment, etc...)?
Answer: At this time split payments cannot be processed using the credit card solution. However, this is a development priority with a resolution due by April.
Optional Workaround:
1. Changes terms code so it's a charge invoice. 2. Hand write a receipt for the paid invoice. 3. Hand-written receipt goes in cash drawer. 4. Run credit card through phone terminal. 5. At deposit time, go into 4.1.1 and show the invoice as paid.
Question: How do I complete a partial credit/return on a US Merchant transaction on the same day that the invoice was entered?
Note: If the transaction is done on any other day (except the same day the invoice is entered) follwing the steps outlined in the Void Credit Card Transaction documentation (see above).
Option#1 1. Unfinalized the original invoice. 2. Make necessary change on the invoice. 3. Finalize the invoice and charge the full amount. 4. Go to the TransFirst website and void the original transaction.
Option#2 1. Run the credit through the phone terminal. 2. When returning the item in Order Entry use the "Already Authorized" option on the POS and enter the authorization number provided from your phone terminal void. |