Webstore Documentation and Overview
Webstore was developed by Johnstone for Johnstone customers. It is the premier online order system for Johnstone. Check out the Webstore overview listed below.
Link to webstore documentation
Link to Six Easy Steps to Online Ordering
How to get to Webstore -Customers will get to Webstore by clicking on any of these links from www.johnstonesupply.com home page. ORDER NOW, USER LOGIN, NEW USER. Clicking BROWSE will take customers to the CORP online catalog.
Login Process -The customer will enter their user name and password in the appropriate fields. When a customer logins, a request is sent to your system to verify the username/password and collect the customer's latest account info, including: BILL-TO ADDRESS, SHIP-TO ADDRESSES, EMAIL ADDRESSES, DEFAULT SHIP METHOD, PO REQUIREMENTS. the login process is Real-Time. Once approved, the customer is considered logged in and welcomed to webstore by the home page now displayed.
Webstore Home Page -the Webstore home page is the first page the customers sees upon login. Store specials, powerBox and powerPAD are displayed for convenient ordering.
Store Specials -Store special items are the flyer items as flagged in your system and rotated monthly. The specials list displayed on the left-hand side is 5 items long and changes with each screen refresh.
PowerBOX and PowerPAD -the powerBOX is the quick search and order tool. to use the powerBOX as a quick order tool, the customer must put the product number AND a quantity. Click submit and prod and qty is added to the order. The powerPAD is simply a multi-item order creation tool. Fill out the form with multiple products and quantites click submit to build the order.
Search Results -Users can search on any product information that is on your system. Full or partial prod#, mfg#, keyword. With the search results displayed, click an item to display the results.
Product Detail -the product details screen provides two key pieces of real-time information. Customer specific pricing and availability.
Shopping Cart -The shopping cart is the detailed listing of the products and pricing on the current order. From here, you can delete items, change quantities, view prod details, add items through powerBOX and continue to checkout. Customer can log off and come back later, order info will be retained.
Checkout -the following items are considered in the checkout screen. PO#, Job name, special instructions, email CC, special payment instructions, ship method and backorder method. You can also delete items and/or update quantities.
Miscellaneous Links - There are also useful links the help integrate webstore with the www.johnstonesupply.com site. Home, Store info, contact us, FAQ's, Shopping Cart.
(updated 5/22/09)