Enter Customer Number(s), separated by ';', or <CR> for ALL :
To Print/Fax/Email* statements for all customers at once, press <enter>. Otherwise, enter the customer numbers individually separated by a semi-colon (;)
*NOTE: The flag in Customer Master ( field 31 will determine whether the statement is printed, faxed or emailed.
Enter Statement As of Date (MM/DD/YY) or 'END' to quit :
Enter the date of the last complete month (i.e., on May 1, enter 04/30/05)
1. All statements Print/Email/Fax
2. Printed statements only
3. Faxed statements only
4. Emailed statements only
Enter 1 2 3 or 4 ?
Option #1 - Use this option to run the statements for the first time for the month. This will first print the printed statements, then it will send the faxed statements, then it will send the emailed Statements, in that order.
Option #2 - Use this option to PRINT ONLY the statements for the customer #(s) you entered.
Option #3 - Use this option to FAX ONLY the statements for the customer #(s) you entered.
Option #4 - Use this option to EMAIL ONLY the statements for the customer #(s) you entered.
You may receive one of the following error messages when running menu
"No directory for /export/invoice/statement/09/05"
(09 = branch number, 05 = Month of May) If you receive this error message you need to contact DST.
"Parameter 35.14.9 was not set to build the HTML Statements during EOM"
If you receive this error message you need to run your statements using Menu Then set the parameter in menu 35.14 field 9 to 'Y' so the statements will be built during EOM the following month, if you so choose.
"MONTH-END status does NOT show that the HTML statements have finished"
If you receive this error message you should wait 30 minutes and then try this menu again.
This cheat sheet shows exactly how to set the FAX/PRINT/EMAIL and STMT SEND OPTIONS (Menu field 31 and 34) to obtain the desired results for sending invoices and statements.