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List Price Catalog

Step 3: Notify your customers of the new list price and their multiplier

You may use a mail-merge to notify your customers by mail. CLICK HERE for printable instructions (in .pdf)

First run Menu 12.2.42 - Customer List Price Multiplier Report (FT only)

This menu will File Transfer (FT) a report to your PICK folder called ft.txt. This report will include the following information:

  • Customer Number
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Addresses
  • The customer’s multiplier
  • The two different customer prices (based on the customer’s multiplier) for the example part number given, G31-705, in case you decide to use the revised sample letter 3
  • and the customer’s phone & fax numbers.

The fields that will be used in the mail merge are the customer name, address, multiplier, G31-705 price and 24 lot price. The Customer number, phone & fax number are for your reference.

**These instructions apply to Microsoft Word 2002 (The version that comes with Office XP) only, but are similar to 2000 and 2003.

Open the letter you intend to use in Microsoft Word

Click here to download Sample Letter #1
Click here to download Sample Letter #2

Click here to download Sample Letter #3

*Make sure you click SAVE to save the letter to your computer

Make any necessary edits that will be consistent on each of the letters (for example, your city, the owner’s name etc…)

Next, click on TOOLS, then select LETTERS & MAILINGS, then select MAIL MERGE WIZARD. (See figure 1)

(Figure 1)

On the “Select the Type of Document” window, select Letters (See figure 2, #2).
Then select the “Next: Starting Document” at the bottom of the window (See figure 2, #3.)

(Figure 2)

On the “Select Starting Document” window, select “Use the current document.” (See figure 3, #4)
Then select the “Next: Select recipients” at the bottom of the window (See figure 3, #5)

(Figure 3)

On the “Select Recipients” window, select “Use an existing list” (See figure 4, #6) 
Just below, where it says “Use Existing List’ select  Browse. (See figure 4, #7)

(Figure 4)

This will open up the Open file dialog box with the “My Data Sources” folder open.

Click the drop down for Look In (where it says My Data Sources) and select the Local Disk C: drive. (See figure 5)

(Figure 5)

Then double-click on the Pick folder. (See figure 6)

(Figure 6)

Select the ‘ft.txt’ file (may just be ‘ft’) (See figure 7)

(Figure 7)

The recipient list will be displayed on the screen, click OK. (See figure 8)

(Figure 8)


On the Wizard screen, select “Next: Write your letter” (See figure 9, #12)

(Figure 9)

In the next step you will create your mail merge fields.

Place your cursor in the area of the letter where the address will go and click on ‘More Items… (see Figure 10, #13)

(Figure 10)

You will be presented with the Insert Merge Field window. First, select Customer_Name and click Insert, then close.  (see figure 11, #14)

(Figure 11)


Move your cusrsor to the next line, for the first address line15, then repeat step 12, only selecting ldd216 (the second address line) this time. Repeat these two steps until you have added merge fields for each piece of the address. IMPORTANT: Remember to put the comma (,) and spaces in for the City, State and Zip code. (see Figure 12, #15and #16)

(Figure 12)


In the end, your address block should look like this (see figure 13, #17):

(Figure 13)

***The following 7 steps only apply if you decide to use Sample letter #3,
which shows an example of how the list price times multiplier works.***

1, Select the sample multiplier in the letter as shown below1, then select MORE    ITEMS…                  2 from the  wizard and select pcatmult2, the press Insert2 and close2. (figure 14, #1 and #2)

(Figure 14)

Repeat steps 1 & 2 for the other Multipliers

3, Next, select the sample each net price (25.00 #3), then select MORE ITEMS… from the                   4 wizard and select g31705ea (#4) and press Insert4 and Close (#4).(see figure 15)

(Figure 15)

Repeat steps 3 and 4, only selecting the 24-lot net price in the letter and the g31705lot from the Merge fields. When you are finished it should look like the image below: (see figure 16)

(Figure 16)                                              Click “Next: Preview your letters #5”            

On this screen you will be able to see the data from the merge fields actually merged into the document. (figure 17, #6)

Double check all data to make sure it is correct and formatted correctly, then click “Next: complete the merge" (see figure 17, #7)

(Figure 17)

On the final screen of the Mail Merge Wizard, step 6 of 6, select “Edit Individual Letters”
By selecting this, the individual merged letters will be printed to a new document, separate from the mail-merge. You may then look over each letter, save the new document, and print them. (see figure 18, #8)

(Figure 18)

After you click Edit Individual Letters, you will be prompted for which records to merge. Leave All selected and click OK. (see figure 19, #9)

(Figure 19)


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