List Price Catalog
Step 2: Decide which method you would like to use to mark your customers with their new multipliers.
Method 1
Manually enter the multipliers in Customer Master Maintenance (M., screen 2, field 37)
For example; Enter .45 to give a customer the standard catalog price. Leaving the field blank will equate to a 1.00 multiplier, or List Price.
Method 2
Use this formula (Click here for example in .PDF) to code by customer class and sales volume automatically. (Call or email DST if you would like to use this, or a similar, formula.)
Method 3
Using the spreadsheet you created in Step 1 (M. 12.2.40), enter the desired multiplier in the Mult column and have DST upload them for you. (Call or email DST if you would like to use this method)
Factors you may want to use to determine multiplier are:
- Type of business: HVAC, Refrigeration, Other Service Trades, Commercial Facility - End users, or Apartments.
- 12 mo. sales volume
- 12 Mo. GP$/GP%
- Returns/Warranty issues
- Creidt History
- Credit Risk
Additional Custom Report Option (See Figure 2): If you have a lot of pricing with price pointers, this report is a handy tool to see what you have out there and help determine how you want to convert them to the list price catalog. Call or email DST for this report.
(Figure 2)
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