Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
Upgrade Documentation
Signature Capture Information
Hand-held Information
UAG Meetings

U2007.2 Upgrade Documentation

Fall 2007

  Printable Version      

Menu 1 - Order Entry & Reports                                                                                                                          

Description:  Laser pick tickets using HTML

Menu Path:  Multiple changes to Menu 1 (Order Entry & Invoicing)


Why use it:  Menu 1 has been renumbered to make way for new features.  We have added the display of PDF quote to Menu 1.30 and the email and fax of HTML pick packs thru the Linux server to Menu 1.35 and 1.36.


How to use it:  The changes made to Menu 1 are shown in the screen shot below.  We have moved the OLD Menu 1 to Menu 1.40 for review and comparison to the new menu.

***If you want to make the HTML pick tickets the default form for pick tickets, please run a pick ticket normally and then email yourself that same pick ticket to compare the two documents as most current pick tickets forms have some degree of customization.  If there are issues between the two, please fax us or email us a copy of each for consideration on the new HTML pick pack forms.  Some changes will not be possible on the new form.

  • Menu 1.30 Display PDF Quotes works like M-1.29 but for quotes.  Enter quote number.  Must be connected to your local network.
  • Menu 1.35 Email Pick/Pack thru Linux Server –Put in the 11 digit release number, confirm to show pricing (Y/N), enter operator code and confirm email address for delivery confirmation or enter a new one, and finally confirm or enter an email address for the pick ticket recipient.  See below for sample HTML Pick Ticket
  • Menu-1.36 Fax Pick/Pack thru Linux Server – Enter the 11 digit release number, confirm pricing (Y/N), confirm the fax# or enter a new one, enter the Attention line, enter any special messages and when you file that away, the fax is delivered.


NEW Menu 1 VS. OLD Menu 1

New Menu 1

Old Menu 1

Menu 1.25 Reprint Invoice on Plain Paper

Menu 1.26 Reprint Sig Capture Inv

Menu 1.27 Fax Inv with Sig Cap

Menu 1.28 Email Selected Inv

Menu 1.29Display PDF Invoice

Menu 1.30 Display Quote PDF

Menu 1.31 Upload Handheld Signatures

Menu 1.32 Email Invoice –No Linux Server

Menu 1.33 Copy Quote to Company/Customer

Menu 1.34 Email Quote thru Linux Server

Menu 1.35 Email Pick/Pack thru Linux Server

Menu 1.36 Fax Pick/Pack thru Linux Server

Menu 1.40 OLD Menu-1

Old Menu 1.30

Old Menu 1.31

Old Menu 1.32

Old Menu 1.33

Old Menu 1.34


Old Menu 1.35 Upload Handheld Signatures

Menu 1.36 Email Invoice –No Linux Server

Menu 1.37 Copy Quote to Company/Customer

Menu 1.38 Email Quote thru Linux Server





Sample HTML/PDF Pick Pack

Description:  Display original operator on totals screen on new orders
Menu Path:
  Menu 1.2 (Order Entry/Invoicing)

Why use it:  Provide easy reference to know who has started the order.

How to use it:  Often times in Order Entry staff will walk away to track down some information or a product.  Previously, there was no way to know who had started the order.  The information in Menu 1.2 on the Order entry Total Screen in the 'STATUS OF RELEASE’ area will display that it’s a new order, but also who has started the order.




Description:  Include original quote number as a message line when converting to an order

Menu Path:  Menu 1.2 (Order Entry/Invoicing)

Why Use it: 
Better reference to tie the original quote to the newly created invoice.

How to use it:  In Order Entry just like normal, convert the quote to an order and it will automatically appear.  See sample:




Description:  Parameter to lock product desc in OE line detail screen from being changed

Menu Path:  Menu 1.2 (Order Entry/Invoicing), Menu 35.1 (Order Entry Parameter Maintenance) Screen 3, Field 10 set to ‘N’

Why Use it: 
Prevent operators from changing product description information in Order Entry to keep consistency and integrity of product data on the invoices.

How to use it:  Set Menu 35.1, Screen 3, Field 10 to 'N' - ALLOW CHANGE OF PRODUCT DESC IN OE LINE 'D'ETAIL.    When operator is in order entry line detail and try to change field 2 they will get the following message:



Description:  Fix number of copies parameter prompt in Order Entry

Menu Path:  Menu 1.2 (Order Entry/Invoicing) and Menu 35.12 (Signature Capture Company Parameters)

Why Use it: 
Previously this parameter could be set but Order Entry didn’t prompt for number of copies, now it does.

How to use it:  Go to menu 35.12, Screen 2, Field 10. Prompt for number of copies in OE and set this to ‘Y’.  In Order Entry, after selecting the invoice option, you will be prompted for number of invoices-hit <ENTER> for a default of 1 copy.



Description:  Add PO#, Job Name and Product Description to quote lookup

Menu Path:  Menu 1.2 (Order Entry/Invoicing) ‘QL’ option

Why Use it:  Additional information makes it easier to track down existing quotes.

How to use it:  Access Menu 1.2, use the QL to lookup a quote.  PO#, Job Name and Product Description have been added to quote lookup.



Description:  Display the FDC inventory in the ORDER detail screen

Menu Path:  Menu 1.2 (Order Entry/Invoicing) Line Detail Maintenance Screen

Why Use It: 
Quick access to DC product availability info.  No longer need to go to ‘W’eb stock status to view the same information.

How to use it:  This request is available on a request by request basis.  Fill out a support job and we will load this code.  http://dst.myjohnstone.com/Login.asp


In order entry, Menu 1.2, put in a product, the list of DC's are located in the Order Entry Line Detail Maintenance screen, in the ‘QUANTITIES IN OTHER WAREHOUSES’ location.


See below:

FDC = Florida Distribution Center

PDC = Portland Distribution Center

MDC = Memphis Distribution Center

ADC = Allentown Distribution Center




Description:  Prompt to verify customer information is correct before faxing/emailing invoices/quotes

Menu Path:  Menu 1.17 (Fax Quotes), Menu 1.27 (Fax Invoice with Linux Server), & Menu 1.34 (Email Quote thru Linux Server)


Why Use it: Confirm the right document is selected and set to go to the right customer.  Catch a potential mistake prior to it happening.

How to use it:  Enter menu path for what you are trying to send, and then when prompted if the correct customer is selected, press <ENTER> to confirm and move along or enter ‘N’ to end out and put in the invoice, release, quote number again.


Description:  Update quote audit trail to include when a quote was emailed

Menu Path:  Menu 1.34 (Email Quote thru Linux Server), Menu 2.28 (Quote Audit), Menu 19.5 (Detailed Invoice/Release Inquiry) –AUD option

Why Use it: 
Provides and improved audit trail for quote activity.
How to use it:  When emailing a quote using Menu 1.34 it will record who the quote was emailed to.  Menu 2.28, enter the quote number, see sample Quote audit.   Also, access detailed quote inquiry via Menu 19.5 and select the AUD option from the total screen.


Menu 2 - Order Entry Reports                                                                                                                              

Description:  Sort Sum Finalized Invoices report by operator finalizing ticket

Menu Path:  Menu 2.10 (Sum Today's Sales), Menu 35.10 (EOD Update Parameter Maintenance), Field 14 and 12

Why Use it: 
 To show Menu 2.10 sorted by finalizing operator.

How to use it:  In order to use this new sort option, you need to update the parameter in Menu 35.10.  The new parameter for this is Field 14, but is only used if Field 12 is set to be using the new Menu 2.10 Sum Today’s Sales.    To use this new sort option, go into Menu 35.10, Field 12 and set to ‘Y and then set Field 14 to ‘Y’   If the parameter in Field 14 is set to ‘N’ this report will sort by original operator on the ticket.

Menu 4 - Accounts Receivable                                                                                                                            

Description:  Display customer/invoice information with confirmation prior to fax/email

Menu Path:  Menu 4.1.9 (Accounts Receivable Inquiry)

Why Use it:  To catch a potential mistake prior to sending something to a customer.

How to use it:  When using Menu 4.1.9, Invoice ‘F’ax or ‘E’mail option after entering an invoice or string of invoices a recap of the invoice customer# and AR amount is displayed giving a chance to confirm that this is the right information that is about to go out.  Options are ‘Y’ to send or END to reenter the invoices.


Description:  Add cover page to manually faxed statements

Menu Path:  Menu (Fax EOM Statement for Selected Customer or Month)

Why use it: 
Ability to add a cover page to the manually faxed statements.
How to use it:  Menu path Fax EOM Statement for selected customer & month will have the statement cover page.  Enter company number, Enter Customer, enter Month, Fax Number and Attention.  At the prompt ‘Do you want to Enter Special Messages? (Y/<CR>): enter ‘Y’ to put your special messages on the cover page of the faxed statement.  When complete press the <ESC> to get the next options. 

  • ‘S’ave option saves your special message and sends the fax. 
  • A’bort option disregards the special message and sends the fax. 
  • C’lear option clears out your special message so you can enter it again. 
  • Spe’L’l option runs the special message through the spell check.


Description:  New option to display PDF invoices

Menu Path:  Menu (Reprint/Display EOM Statement for Selected Customer & Month)

Why Use it: 
No longer need to print out a customer statement to view it.

How to use it:  Go into Menu Reprint/Display EOM Statement for selected customer & month and select Option 1. Display EOM Statement, then input the customer# and the month the statement is from.   The statement will then display in the PDF viewer.


Menu 7 - Purchasing                                                                                                                                              

Description:  Add the PO# reference to the PO fax cover sheet

Menu Path:  Menu 7.30 (Fax/Email PO thru Linux Server)

Why use it: 
Additional reference to tie the PO and the cover sheet together on a fax transmission.

How to use it:  Fax the PO via Menu 7.30, the PO# will be on the cover sheet.


Description:  Option to fax/email PO’s with no costs

Menu Path:  Menu 7.30 (Fax/Email PO thru Linux Server)

Why use it: 
Use the system to send PO’s without costs instead of printing a PO, blocking the prices and then manually faxing.

How to use it:  Go to Menu 7.30 Fax/Email PO thru Linux server and look for this prompt:  Do you want to include costs? (<CR>/N): ?N   Answer ‘N’ to send PO without costs.  See sample:


Menu 11 - Sales Analysis                                                                                                                                      

Description:  Display current month inventory values

Menu Path:  Menu 11.4.10 (Inquiry by Company - from Sales Files)


Why Use it:  Quick snapshot of inventory value on total invoiced sales inquiry.

How to use it:  Run Menu 11.4.10 like normal, inventory value added to far right-hand column.  The inventory value is the summary of all products (catalog and non-catalog) on-hand quantity times average cost.


Menu 12 - File Maintenance                                                                                                                                  

Description:  Additional email added to Customer Master Maintenance for accounts receivable and purchasing

Menu Path:  Menu, Field 18 (Customer Master Maintenance)

Why use it: 
Currently this field is being used for data collection only.  Eventually will be used for reporting and distribution of emailed documents.
How to use it:  Go into Customer Master Maintenance Menu, select Field 18. EMAIL PUR.  And enter the email address.



Description:  Enhancement to serial# maintenance for message/reference entry

Menu Path:  Menu 12.3.10 (Serial Maintenance), Menu 19.8 (Serial Number Inquiry)

Why use it: 
Allows you to enter a message or reference associated with a specific serial record and have that reference display in the serial# inquiry.

How to use it:  Go to Menu 12.3.10 (Serial Maintenance) and edit Field 8 - MSG/REF# of the serial # record.


Go to Menu 19.8 (Serial Number Inquiry) and pull up the serial number and the MSG/REF# displays.



Description:  Additional characters added to maintainable vendor web address

Menu Path:  Menu (Vendor Master Maintenance), Field 10


Why Use it:  Room added for web addresses allows this important information to print correctly on PO’s.

How to use it:  Access vendor in Menu, maintain address in Field 10 up to 35 characters.  It prints on PO’s as Miscellaneous Instructions 1 and 2.




Description:  Vendor change program created

Menu Path:  Menu (Change Vendor Number)

Why Use it: 
Program to replace the merge.vends program and streamline the process for changing a vendor number.

How to use it:  Go to Menu Change Vendor Number, input the OLD vendor number first and then enter in the NEW vendor number you are changing it to.  After that, the program changes the related vendor files from OLD vendor to NEW vendor (checking vendors, products, vouchers, etc).  This menu should only be run during off-hours.

Menu 19 - Inquiries                                                                                                                                                 

Description:  Add PO#, Job Name and Product Description to quote lookup inquiries.

Menu Path:  Menu 19.1A (Quote Lookup Inquiries), Option 2

Why Use it: 
More information makes it easier to track down existing quotes.

How to use it:  Access Menu 19.1A, Option 2 customer quote Listing, ‘D’etailed listing…and the new fields are added into the detailed reports. 



Description:  Option to display Order Entry and Purchase Order audits from Inquiries 19.5 and 19.12
Menu Path:  Menu 19.5 (Detail Invoice/Release Inquiry) and Menu 19.12 (Detail Open Purchase Order Inquiry)

Why use it: 
 This option combines the quote, order entry and PO audit screens (Menu 2.28, Menu 2.27, Menu 7.23)  into the Detail Invoice/Release Inquiry (Menu 19.5) and Detail Open Purchase Order Inquiry (Menu 19.12) so all the information you will need on a quote, invoice/release, or PO is accessible from a single menu path instead of splintered in multiple menu paths for each.  

How to Use it:  Menu 19.5 "How to use the ‘AUD’ option?"  Pull up your quote/pick pack/invoice/release and when you get to the total screen you will see a new option of ‘AUD’it   After entering the AUD option, the typical audit detail will display on your screen.




Menu 19.12 PO Audit works the same as Menu 19.5   Pull up the PO, get to the PO total screen and the AUD option will be available.   The PO audit information displays.


Description:  Enhancement to detailed release/invoice inquiry to account for gaps in a number sequence.

Menu Path:  Menu 19.5 (Detailed Invoice/Release Inquiry)

Why use it: 
If you have ever wondered why your invoice numbers jumped from one number to another, this will help you locate the record that is reserving the number. 

How to use it:  At the order# prompt in Menu 19.5, put in the invoice# in question preceded by an I EX:  I123456 and the system will search for that number and see where it is being reserved and display a message similar to this:

INVOICE# is reserved in AR.HIST –See Cust# ABCD DATE:  11/05/01


Description:  Display Matrix (Menu 5.33) pricing for vendor specific contracts using the ‘P’ option in stock status

Menu Path:  Menu 19.6 (Stock Status Inquiry)

Why Use it: 
Easy access to pricing scenarios from stock status.

How to use it:  
From stock status, after putting in a product, type in ‘P’ and the pricing will display.




Menu 27 - Forecasting                                                                                                             


Description:  Prompt for AOC vendor#

Menu Path:  Menu 27.10 (Change Product Detail Vendor)

Why use it: 
Controlling the product detail vendor helps control who you order specific parts from.  Previously, this menu would only select on the product detail vendor and change that vendor.  The program still does that, but now, the change can be made based on the AOC vendor number in product master (still changing the product detail record, Field 16).

How to use it: 
Access Menu 27.10, put in the vendor number to select   EX:  433 or A433



Menu 34 - Bar Coding                                                                                                              


Description:  Add Menu 34.11 location changes to the Menu 12.7 file maintenance history

Menu Path:  Menu 34.11 (Scan Warehouse Locations) and Menu 12.7 (File Maintence History)

Why use it: 
Additional audit trail to see who changes product warehouse locations.

How to use it: 
After the upgrade is installed, the warehouse locations changed via Menu 34.11 will be held in the status-log file and available in the Menu 12.7 report. 


Menu 35 - Parameters                                                                                                             


Description:  Global parameter to always use Menu 5.33 (Pricing Matrix) pricing in Order entry

Menu Path:  Menu 35.3 (Pricing Parameter Maintenance) Field 7.

Why Use it:  This replaces the individual flag previously maintained in Menu (Product Master), Field 21 so this can be set a single time for all products instead of having to maintain individually.

How to use it: 
Set the flag in Menu 35.3, Field 7 PM.21.Price Matrix to Y on ALL items.



Description:  Parameter to update new products during price transmissions with a double zero ROP.  EX:  00

Menu Path:  Menu 35.11 (Inventory Parameters), Field 14.

Why Use it: 
Prevents new products from being ordered that aren’t needed.

How to use it: 
Setup the parameter in Menu 35.11, Field 14.  Auto set ROP to 00 on New Items by inputting a ‘Y’ and when you download new products from Corporate their ROP will be set to 00.

Description:  Add event notification for product returns not purchased in last XX days

Menu Path:  Menu 35.19.5 (Non-Stock/00 ROP Return), set days in Field 11.

Why Use it: 
Added ability to track and know about returns on items outside specific period.

How to use it:  Setup event acknowledgement in Menu 35.19.5, putting in email address in Field 1 and editing Field 11. DAYS SINCE LAST PURCHASE.  The number of days can be set or changed as needed.  ***product being returned must be an ‘NS’ or a 00 ROP item.***


Menu 35.19.5 Non-Stock/00-ROP Return Event Maintenance.


Sample Event Email



Description:  Add quotes to event for cancelled invoices/pick packs.

Menu Path:  Menu 35.19.7 (Cancelled Invoices/Pick Packs), Field 11.

Why Use it: 
Track cancelled quotes when they happen.

How to use it: 
Setup event in Menu 35.19.7, go to Field 11, enter ‘Y’ to include quotes into the event.   When an operator, in Menu 1.2 cancels a quote by using the ‘CAN’ option in the Order Entry total screen OR when an operator converts a quote to an order and answers ‘Y’ to delete quote after converting,  triggers this event.



Sample Event for Cancelled Quote


EOD Reports                                                                                                                            


Description:  Add the fax log report from M-1.20.31 to automatically print with eod.

Menu Path:  Menu 16.1 (Invoicing EOD - Invoice Update) , setup in Menu 16.5 (EOD Report - Xref Maintenance)


Why use it:  This is a real time saver and a convenient addition to the EOD reports and your daily processes.   By adding to the EOD the faxlog report you are saving time and are less likely to skip a day – resulting in an easier task of staying on top of what faxes are going out successfully and what needs attention.


How to use it:  Run your EOD as normal but you need to be utilizing the EOD.XREF items and successfully have them setup in Menu 16.5.  The FAX LOG REPORT is EOD.XREF item 01-157



Sample Fax Log Report 01-157





Description:  List of Purchase Orders created during the previous business day

Menu Path:  Menu 16.1 (Invoicing EOD - Invoice Update), setup in Menu 16.5 (EOD Report Xref Maintenance)  EOD.XREF 01-158

Why use it: 
Good reference to keep on top of the PO’s generated during the day and who created them.

How to use it: 
Setup your EOD.XREF item 01-158 in Menu 16.5.  Report will look like the following:

Description:  Add sell price and GP% to the contract price change report

Menu Path:  M-16.5 (EOD Report Xref Maintenance) EOD.XREF 01-175 item

Why Use it: 
Gives a great report on how the cost changes are affecting contracts.

How to use it: 
Setup the EOD.XREF item 01-175 in M-16.5 and you will get the following report:



Description:    Add PO Fax log report

Menu Path:  Menu 16.5 (EOD Report Xref Maintenance), EOD.XREF 10-159

Why use it: 
EOD report providing valuable tracking information on faxed PO’s.

How to use it: 
Setup EOD.XREF item in Menu 16.5 for EOD.XREF item 01-159.



Printer Selection                                                                                                                     


Description:  Miscellaneous menu paths adding printer select (Ft, Display, and Email) option

Menu Path: Menu 13.20.9, Menu 4.3.20, Menu 12.2.39, Menu 14.2.2, Menu 7.19, Menu 3.11,& Menu 13.2.10 

Why Use it:
  By adding the printer select program to these menu paths you can direct output to specified printers as well as enabling the options for FT, Display and email.

How to use it
:  Once the printer select screen displays, enter the appropriate option…specific printer#, EM to email, D to display the report, FT to file transfer the report to your pick folder.



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