Order Entry
Menu 1.34 - Email Quotes thru Linux Server
Emailing/Faxing Quotes
This new features allows Linux users to fax and email quotes. (Note: Stores without a Linux server can still fax quotes using Menu 1.17 but they will not appear in the HTML format that Linux provides).
To use Quotes the following parameters must be setup.
- Menu 35.12, screen 2, field 11 set to ‘Y’
- Field 12 has been added, Use Purchasing Fax# for Quotes, if this field is set to ‘Y’ then the fax number used to fax quotes is what is listed in Menu field 29. If this field is set to ‘N’ or blank then the number listed in Menu field 11 is used to fax the quotes.
The same concept is true for Field 2, Use Purchasing Fax# For Invoices. If this field is set to ‘Y’ then the number listed in Menu field 29 will be used to fax invoices. However, if the field is set to ‘N’ or blank then the AR fax number will be used from Menu field 11.
NOTE: Make sure port parameters are defined for the ports that are trying to fax/email quotes (m-35.13). If these ports do not print laser forms, you can set field 3, Order Entry Printer to “A” for All-Multi.
Email Quotes through Linux Server Menu-1.34
You will be prompted for the quote number, confirm the correct customer, honor days, price printing, email address and operator code. The “email for confirmation” is the address that will be showing in the “from” section of the email sent to your customer. You will also be prompted for the “email recipient” which, will be pre-populated with the customer’s email address. You can accept that address or enter a different address.
Note: Stores without a Linux server do not have the ability to email Quotes.
Email Notification - Real-time notification of fax/email status
Once the email quote has been sent from Menu 1.34, a confirmation will be sent to the sender or the default confirmation address.
The following is a sample of an email quote confirmation:
BATCH STARTED: Tue Oct 30 15:45:03 PDT 2007
EMAIL TO: jennifer.williams@mail.johnstonesupply.com
Here is the QUOTE that you requested!
QUOTE: 01000122 PO#: 22 CUST# 199535
BATCH COMPLETE: Tue Oct 30 15:45:05 PDT 2007
NOTE: When emailing a quote using Menu 1.34 it will record who the quote was emailed to. Menu 2.28 will display the quote audit. Also, you can access the detailed quote inquiry via Menu 19.5 and select the AUD option from the total screen.
Page Last Updated 11/08/07 |