Menu 7.30 - Fax/Email Through Linux Server
Linux PO Emailing
The ability to email Purchase Orders using a Linux server has been added to the system. Menu 7.30 has been modified to allow faxing and emailing of purchase orders. To email a purchase order, select Option #2 - Email PO, enter in the 8-digit PO number, and then enter the recipient’s email address.
Selecting Option #2 (Email PO) will prompt for the following:
1. Enter the email address where the confirmation should be sent.
2. Option to type a message that will appear on the email or hit <enter> for the default message of “Here is the PO you requested”.
3. Enter the email address of the recipient.
Linux PO Faxing
This program will fax a PO thru Linux instead of thru Desqtop (DQ)
You will be prompted to select the Option #1 (Fax PO) and then prompted to enter the PO number(s)
Enter PO number(S): (8N) separated by (;), or END:04467431
Then it will display the vendor name from the PO(s) that you entered and ask you to confirm that it is correct
You will then be asked if you want the part number to print.
Do you want the Vendor Part# to print (<enter>/n)?
Then the system will ask if cost should be included.
Do you want to include costs? (<CR>/N): ?y
Next, it will display any vendor fax numbers that are on file for you to choose from or allow you to enter a different number
Vendor Fax Numbers 1. Standard Fax Number: 800-223-8461 2. Customer Service Fax Number: 800-223-8461 3. Salesmanager Fax Number:
Select Fax Number Option, Enter New Number or 'END' to quit: 3580975
Then you will be prompted for your operator code
Enter Operator Code
Next, an email address will be displayed based on the operator code that was entered*, this is the address that the confirmation of successfully or failed fax will go to. You may enter a different address at the ? if the one displayed is not correct.
Enter Email for fax confirmation or <ENTER> for DataServices@johstonesupply.com?
*The system will first look to the email address setup for the Operator in Menu 12.1.4. If no email address is setup for the operator in 12.1.4 the system will display an email address based on the operator name from the operator code entered, it is highly recommended that the operator name be setup exactly as the email address.
You will then be asked whether you want to send a cover sheet or not.
Do you wish to send a cover sheet? (Y/N): Y
If you select 'N'o, the fax will then be sent. If you select 'Y'es, you will be prompted for the TO (or ATTN) name, and to enter any comments. After entering the comments, the fax is sent.
FAX COVER PARAMTERS Enter the TO: name : Database Support Enter COMMENTS: Test
The following will appear on the screen, but you will have to use your scroll bar to scroll the AccuTerm screen back up to see it.
request id is 76721 (group id 76721) for host localhost (1 file)
There will be an audit in Menu 7.23 that the PO was faxed.
Database Support 09:12:18 24 May 2006 - 261 'FAX' Database Support Fax transmission to Vendor Name.. Fax # 5551212 |