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Menu - Customer Master Maintenance

U2007.2 Upgrade Feature

Description:  Additional email added to Customer Master Maintenance for accounts receivable and purchasing

Menu Path:  Menu, Field 18 (Customer Master Maintenance)

Why use it: 
Currently this field is being used for data collection only.  Eventually will be used for reporting and distribution of emailed documents.

How to use it:  Go into Customer Master Maintenance Menu, select Field 18. EMAIL PUR.  And enter the email address.


U2007.1 Upgrade Feature

The List price multipliers that are setup in Customer Master Maintenance, Screen 2, Field 37 have been expanded to 4-digits after the decimal (i.e. .4500).  Previously, only 3-digits were allowed.

Statement Send Flag
This new flag (Field 34 – STMT SEND FLAG) will allow you to control some of your statement send options separately from the invoice options. This flag will work in conjunction with field 31 – PRINT-FAX-EMAIL.


If the new STMT Send Flag is not set (is blank) then all invoice and statement send options will be controlled by the PRINT-FAX-EMAIL field (31). The new STMT Send Flag options are explained below:


E =  Email Statements

This option will send the statement by email regardless of the setting in field 31. The invoices will be sent according to the setting in field 31. For example, if you have an ‘F’ in field 31, and ‘E’ in field 34, your invoices will be faxed and the statement will be emailed.

P = Print Statements

This option will print the statement regardless of the setting in field 31. The invoices will be sent according to the setting in field 31. For example, if you have an ‘F’ in field 31, and ‘P’ in field 34, your invoices will be faxed and the statement will be printed.

F = Fax Statements

This option will fax the statement regardless of the setting in field 31. The invoices will be sent according to the setting in field 31. For example, if you have an ‘E' in field 31, and ‘F'in field 34, your invoices will be emailed and the statement will be faxed.

EI =Email Statements/Invoices Monthly

When using this option, the statement will be emailed along with all of the invoices for the month. Field 31 should be set to ‘N’ to keep the invoices from being printed, faxed or emailed daily (or weekly – depending on your parameter setting).  See Important note below about the EOM process for this option.

PI =Print Statements/Invoices Monthly

When using this option, the statement will be printed along with all of the invoices for the month. Field 31 should be set to ‘N’ to keep the invoices from being printed, faxed or emailed daily (or weekly – depending on your parameter setting).  See Important note below about the EOM process for this option.

FI =Fax Statements/Invoices Monthly

When using this option, the statement will be faxed along with all of the invoices for the month. Field 31 should be set to ‘N’ to keep the invoices from being printed, faxed or emailed daily (or weekly – depending on your parameter setting).  See Important note below about the EOM process for this option.


Important:  In order for invoices to be sent to customers that have an EI, PI or FI flag the following must be done.

  • Run Menu after EOM is run - this feature will send invoices marked EI, PI or FI.  If Menu is not run then invoices will not be sent for customers having these flags.


In this example, the invoices and statements will be printed at month-end only:


If you are unsure of how to set your fax flag options to get the desired results, click here for a quick reference cheat sheet.

What will happen to your invoices if a valid fax number and email address is not listed in the appropriate field?

Email Address
Field 17 Email Address - This is where the email address will be pulled when emailing invoices during EOD.  (See above image for an example)

Flagging of Customers that do not want prices printed on Pick packs or Invoices
Use Menu, field 16 if you have customers that prefer not to have pricing on their pick packs or invoices.  Enter a 'P' in field 16 if you do not want pricing to appear on a customer pick packs.  Enter 'I' if you do not want prices to print on invoices.  Enter 'B' if you do not want prices to print on pick packs or invoices.


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