Menu 35.6 Parameter File Maintenance This screen sets the overall system parameters from Order Entry to Purchase Order. Use Menu 35.26 to print a list of parameters.
Sales Files: The sales file fields on Screen 2 are the universal sales file update parameters. Do not set these fields to 'n', otherwise those files will not update.
Menu 35.6, Screen 2 <<Menu 35.6, Screen 1>>
- Allow cross-company posting in A/P and G/L -Set to 'Y' to allow posting from one company to another, ie: to Company 02 from Company 01.
- Sales.4 file used -Contains monthly sales history for each customer and each product, including costs and sales dollars.
- Sales.5 file used -Set to 'Y' to use "Sales.5" in reports on menu 11.3.3.Salesman Sales Summary, 11.3.4.Salesman - Product Class, and 11.3.5. Slsm-Prod Clss Sprd Report.
- Sales.6 file used -Set to 'Y' to use "Sales.6" in reports on Menu 11.3.6.Sales by Slsm/Cust/ProdCls.
- Sales.7 file used -Set to 'Y' to use "Sales.7" in reports on Menu 11.3.7.Sales Summary Co-Prod Class.
- Update serial numbers at po receipts time -Set to 'Y' to update the serial numbers at time of purchase order receipts.
- Processing code to enter purchase order notes -Input the processing code required to access and enter product notes from the menu. Any processing code may be used; 'PO' is the usual choice to control Purchasing. See menu 12.1.4 for a list of processing codes.
- Use DQ editor for credit memo notes (4.1.9) -Set to 'Y' to use the DQ editor to add or alter for credit memo notes in menu 4.1.9 Credit Manager Inquiry. DST needs to be contacted if this parameter is changed. Several files will need to be converted.
- Use DQ editor for telemarketing notes (33.1) -Set to 'Y' to use the DQ editor to add or alter for telemarketing notes in menu 33.1 Telemarketing Notes. DST needs to be contacted if this parameter is changed. Several files will need to be converted.
- Prompt for y*** if posting period does not agree with transaction date -Set to 'Y' to prompt for 'y***' if posting period does not agree with transaction date.
- Fax monthly branch sales to Corp -Will be active in a future upgrade. Set to 'Y' to automatically transmit the Branch -vs- Non-Branch Totals Report. This report will be faxed to Corp during the month-end close.
- Print year-end LIFO report -Set to 'Y' to create and print the LIFO report during the year-end routine. The LIFO report will not be created when this parameter is set to 'N'o.
- Lock out system during day-end/month-end -Set to 'Y' to allow access only to Menu 19 - Inquiry, during the day-end / month-end routine.
Zero out non-stock items with no sales in 'xxx' days -Enter the number of days before Non-stock items (NS items or items that have a 'T' in field 27 of product master m- with zero on-hand, zero on-order, zero in-pick, have cost(s) and sell price(s) zeroed out. If this field is left blank, no items cost and sell will be zeroed out.
Update serialized inventory flag from Corp price trans - Set to 'Y' to accept the serialized inventory flag transmitted from Corp. Once the flag is set, it will only update from the current price tranmission. If you would like all catalog items to be updated, set the flag before the full catalog price update during the month-end process, or run menu 32.20.
Update taxable product flag from Corp price trans - Set to 'Y' to accept the taxable product flag transmitted from Corp. Once the flag is set, it will only update from the current price tranmission. If you would like all catalog items to be updated, set the flag before the full catalog price update during the month-end process, or run menu 32.20.
Update Balance A/R Batches during EOD (Y/N) - An EOD and EOM Cash Reconciliation report which breaks out the AR money collected by store by batch. Cash with orders is added at the bottom to account for total cash activity. EOD report number is 01-171. EOM report number is 01-127. In order for this to work properly, menu 35.6, screen 2, #17 must be set to Y. The system will close balanced AR batches during EOD, which will generate EOD report 01-173. This is only meant to be a safety net - it is still recommended that users balance AR batches daily before EOD.
Aged by: 1) Month-end 2) Due Dt. 3) Inv. Dt. - Select whether the system ages based on invoice date, due date or as is (from end of month). This parameter affects the aging buckets in Menu 4.1.9 and aging reports.
- Month-end - same aging calculation as before, credits will age against overdue balances.
- Due Date – invoices will age based on the number of days past the due date.
- Invoice Date – Aging will be based on the number of days since the invoice was run.
Note: If this parameter is not updated - everything will continue as normal
You may change the parameter daily to see which method best serves your needs; however, it will need to run through an EOD before you’ll see the change in aging.
Don't Set Serial Flag on Store Transfers (7.1A) - If you do not want a prompt for serial numbers on store transfers on PO Rolldown (7.1A) Set this flag to N. Default is Y.
Menu-4.1.9: 1)<ENTER>=next page 2)<ENTER>=totals - If option '1' is selected, then hitting enter in Menu 4.1.9 will take the user to the next screen. If option '2' is select (default option), totals will display when enter is selected in Menu 4.1.9.
(updated 1/23/2006)
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