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Accounting Registers
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Vendor Files

Menu 35.6
Parameter File Maintenance
This screen sets the overall system parameters from Order Entry to Purchase Order.  Use Menu 35.26 to print a list of parameters.

Sales Files:  The sales file fields on Screen 2 are the universal sales file update parameters.  Do not set these fields to 'n', otherwise those files will not update.  

Menu 35.6, Screen 1
<<Menu 35.6, Screen 2>>

  1. Print a blank line for serial#'s on receiving form -Set to 'Y' to print a blank line for the serial number in Menu 7.10.Receiving Form.
  2. Print serial numbers on warranty claim form -Set to 'Y' to print serial numbers on warranty claim forms, menu 15.3.Create Warranty Claim.
  3. Processing code to enter customer notes -Input the processing code required to access and enter customer notes from the menu. Any processing code may be used; 'CU' is the usual choice to control Customer Maintenance. See menu 12.1.4 for a list of processing codes.
  4. Processing code to enter product notes -Input the processing code required to access and enter product notes from the menu.  Any processing code may be used; 'PR' is the usual choice to control Product Maintenance.  See menu 12.1.4 for a list of processing codes.  
  5. Processing code to enter vendor notes -Input the processing code required to access and enter vendor notes from the menu.  Any processing code may be used; 'CO' is the usual choice to control Vendor Maintenance.  See menu 12.1.4 for a list of processing codes.  
  6. Price hold feature used -Set to 'Y' to set the price hold feature.  The counter staff will be notified when items are sold for too much or too little based on parameters settings in menu 35.6 field 7 and field 8.  
  7. Price hold low gp% -Set a minimum gross profit percentage on products.  For price hold low.  The price hold report is available on Menu 2.18; this report tracks operator errors in pricing.  This report will identify if operators are adjusting margins too much or not enough.  
  8. Price hold high gp% -Set a ceiling for gross profit percentage on products. For price hold high.  The price hold report is available on Menu 2.18; this report tracks operator errors in pricing.  This report will identify if operators are adjusting margins too much or not enough.  
  9. Cost source - Set the parameter to either 1, 2 or 3 to set the cost source flag for inventory value and profit calculations; it is usually set to "Average Cost".  1=standard cost - m- field 6, 2=last cost paid -19.7b, 3=average cost - m- field 2.
  10. Update sales in G/L based on product type -Set to 'Y' to update sales in general ledger based on product type; requires "SALES.1" file.
  11. Aging period to begin Dunning cycle -Enter the aging bucket for the Dunning Cycle to begin 1 - 6.  To run the Dunning System go to Menu 4.4. 
  12. Update cost of goods sold in G/L -Set to 'Y' to update the cost of goods sold in the general ledger based on product type; requires "SALES.1" file.
  13. Number of days to keep spooler items -Control the duration of end-of-day reports in the spooler, usually two or three days, before the reports are automatically purged with the end-of-day process.  The parameter does not affect month-end spooler items. 
  14. Average cost indicator -Enter 0-4 to maintain the cost used in purchase order receipts; this controls the average cost updates.  0=cost not entered at receipts posting, 1=no average cost, use entered cost, 2=no average cost, use entered cost/quantity, 3=average cost, use entered cost, 4=average cost, use entered cost/quantity. 
  15. # Months in future allowed in voucher input -Enter the number of open months for voucher input, usually no more than six, in Accounts Payable. 
  16. # Months in future allowed in cash disbursements -Enter the number of open months for check writing in Accounts Payable.
  17. Batch control used in voucher input -Set to 'Y', when posting vouchers in 13.2.1.A/P Payment Schedule (Aged) or 13.20.2.Accounts Payable Voucher Input, the Control total will need to balance to the Applied total for the batch to be accepted.
  18. Receipts indicator -Invoice Receipts posting during receiving. 
  19. Purchase cost source -Set the parameter to '2' to set the PO Costing parameter for non-Johnstone vendors to last cost.  If the vendor is Corp, then the cost=branch cost.

(updated 1/23/2006)



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