Menu 35.13 Signature Capture Port Parameters Use this menu to set the Signature Capture parameters for each port.
Menu 35.13
- Signature Capture Pad Attached - Enter 'Y' if a Signature Capture pad is attached to this terminal otherwise enter 'N'. When 'Y' is selected you will be prompted for a signature.
- Signature Capture Pad Type ('L'CD, 'N'ONE) - Enter 'L' if the port has a LCD pad attached or 'N' if ther is not a LCD pad attached.
- Order Entry Printer ('L'ASER, 'P'LAIN, 'A'LL-MULTI) - Enter 'L' (Laser) if the customer invoice/packslip should print on the laser printer. Enter 'A' (All-Multi) to default to the printer in port control in m-12.10. Enter 'P' (Plain) to print to a dot matrix printer using plain white paper.
- Laser Printer Definition (Ex: inv044_1) - Enter laser printer name, must be in format 'invXXX_1' where XXX is the store number.
- Branch Number That Port is Mapped to - Enter the branch number where the port is located. Single digit branch numbers must be entered as a 2 digit number, ex: Branch 4 - entry '04'. Two or three digit branch numbers are entered as follows; Store 76 = 076, Branch 155 - enter '155'.
- Print Bar Code on Invoice - Select 'Y' to print a barcode on the invoice. Note: You can have a signature pad attached to a port and still have it print a barcode for the driver solution. It is not recommended to have the synchronization cradle attached to a PC and also have a signature pad attached. MS ActiveSync and the Signature Capture software will conflict with each other.
(updated 1/23/2006)
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