Menu 35.11 Web Update Parameters
Menu 35.11
- Update ABC Ranking each week - Select 'Y' ABC Ranking will be updated weekly.
- Update ALL regions every EOD - Select 'Y' Web Stock Status will be Updated with the End of Day process.
- Hourly update on Corp inven - Select 'Y' to automatically have the Corp inventory updated hourly.
- Saturday End-of-Day - Select 'Y' if you are currently running your End-of-Day on Saturday.
- Weekend ROP-EOQ calculation - Johnstone Only - Calculate ROP-EOQ during the weekend processing.
- Wednesday ROP-EOQ calculation - Johnstone Only - Calculate ROP-EOQ during the Wednesday End of Day.
- E-Items Calc - Days since last activity - Controls menu 6.13, field 3. When a number is changed in menu 35.11, field 7 the system will automatically re-calculate E-items on the next weekend processing, or you can manually re-calculate in m-6.16.
- Include Products with 00 ROP in E-Items Calc - Select 'Y' to include products with a 00 ROP in the E-item Calculation. m- 6.15 Summary Report of E-items.
- ROP/EOQ calculation for all products - Depending on the parameters, your ROP calculation is done once a week. If you have a'Y' in field 9, it will ignore fields 5 & 6 and only calculate all products on the weekend.
- Minimum Cost for Inclusion in Inventory Exchange - Only items with an average cost greater than or equal to this minimum cost will be included in the exchange calculation.
- Print summary only version of the EOY LIFO Report - Set to 'Y' to print only the summary version of the warehouse report. Also set the parameter to 'Y' in menu 35.6, screen 2, field 12. Print year-end LIFO Report to create the report.
- Use EOQ in Forecasting (default is Y-es)
- Use new ABC in ROP/EOQ calculations
- Auto set ROP to 00 on New Items
- Round up EOQ for non 'P' std packs - Round up EOQ for non ‘P’ standard packs. If this parameter is blank or set to “Y”, the system rounds up the EOQ that is calculated to the nearest standard pack. Entering an ‘N’ in this parameter will keep the EOQ pure. For example, if the EOQ is calculated to 13 and the standard pack is 5; then if this parameter is set to “N”, then the EOQ will stay at 13 and the normal forecasting calculation will deal with the standard pack requirement. If this parameter is left blank, the EOQ will be rounded up to 15, which could result in over-stocking, once the forecast calculation also uses the standard pack.
- Inventory Problem report - ROP factor
- Calculate ABC & ROP on New Items
(updated 02/12/09)
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