Menu 32.1 - Receive Price/Cost Transmission
Users no longer need to run Menus 32.1.1 and 32.1.2. Cost transmission now run automatically as part of the End of Day process. Price Transmissions are also included as automatic parts of the End of Day process, but only from the 1st through the 25th of the month. Price transmissions after the 25th include the next month's flyer prices, which will automatically update as part of the End of Month process.
Menu 32.1.1 and 32.1.2 can still be run if needed for example if EOD did not complete or if any other transmission problems occurred. Please contact DST and we can confirm if you've received your latest transmissions.
Parameters for the automatic price/cost update are controlled through Menu 35.10.
(updated 8/31/05)