Menu 32.2 Updated Product from Price Change File
Important Notes: Currently the price and cost files are pulled by your system nightly as part of your end-of-day. In addition your end-of-month pulls the monthly product transmission. As part of the EOD and EOM the files (price and cost) are updated with the most current data provided by Johnstone Corporate.
The only reasons for running this process are if the EOD didn’t run –OR- the price/cost files needed an update again during the day (very rare) –OR- unless otherwise instructed by DST. You would first need to pull the price or cost transmission through M-32.1 and then update immediately through this menu 32.2.
Procedures: Once the price or cost file has been pulled down from M-32.1 Receive Price/Cost Transmission activate the new price/cost data immediately through M-32.2 Upd Product from Price.Change File. Aside from price and cost, this menu also allows the update of flyers and catalog pages.
- When the update begins in M-32.2 the first screen displayed is the PRICE UPDATE PARAMETER DISPLAY screen. This screen displays the ‘DEFAULT’ price update record. Any fields with an ‘N’ will NOT be updated. Field 16. PROD.DET VENDOR is typically set to ‘N’ as this value may be different for each store.
* If there is a need to change the ‘DEFAULT’ price update parameter record go to Menu Corp. Price Update Maintenance. * To print a list of all products that have price blocks go toM-32.2 or M-12.3.23 Exceptions to Corp’s Price Update
- Hit RETURN <enter> to continue with update or <END> to get out of the program.
Select from one of the following update options: 1. Update Product File with PRICE TRANSMISSION –Updates everything but fields flagged ‘N’ –Not to update, including prices, costs, catalog pages, any description changes, flyer prices 2. Update Product File with Costs –Updates only costs (branch and direct) 3. Update product file with flyer prices only –This update applies only to flyer prices. Because the flyers for coming months are often times delivered a week or two in advance, running an update before that time keeps the old flyer prices on file with the flags, and corrects the prices on the new products coming on the next flyer. 4. Update product file with other changes –Avoid using this options without prior DST direction. 5. Update product file with catalog pages only –Update just the catalog pages in advance of the EOM transmission.
(updated 09/08/05)
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