Sales Analysis
Menu 11.15 Customer Sales Report by Month (File Transfer Only)
This report lists the customer name, city, state, customer number, part numbers, descriptions, category, sold price and quantities sold for the specified period.
This report is too wide to print on a local printer and is created as an Excel spreadsheet. The report is transferred to a file located on your 'C' drive and can be accessed from there. For instructions on File Transfers, go to
- Enter Company Number or Enter for all
- Enter a specific customer number
- Enter the beginning date for the report (mm/dd/yy)
- Emter the ending date (mm/dd/yy)
- Enter one of the Heading Options, the headings will appear on the report as Qty 1, Qty 2, Qty 3, etc.. for Jan, Feb, March, etc.This can be fixed esily in Excel prior to printing the report.
- January - March
- January - June
- January - September
- January - December
(updated 6/15/06)