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Menu 9.20 Physical Inventory Bar Coding Menu


Printable Version of Menu 9.20 Workflow

Menu 9.20 Workflow

Prior to beginning Menu 9.20, it’s recommended that all steps be completed on the Inventory Preparation Checklist.


Things to Remember During Inventory

  • Receive in Everything (DO NOT count freight that has not been received)
  • Invoice out all handwrites.
  • Count Will Call areas after store closes.
  • While store is open pre-count the non/slow movers first.  If one of these items is sold, the designated point person must be told so an inventory adjustment can be made. 


       9.20.3 – NEGATIVE ON HAND REPORT – Use Menu 8.4 to adjust negative on-hand quantities. You will not be able to freeze inventory if you have negative on hand quantities. You will need to re-run this report and double-check it again before freezing. Best Practice is to run this report the day before pre-counts start and also the morning before pre-counts begin.


       9.20.1-CLEAR PRE-COUNTS - This menu path will clear all pre-counts on products in the warehouse and showroom.


Ψ  Note:   No hand counting will be completed after pre-counts begin. All items are to be scanned into inventory. By scanning items, an accurate count and location will be recorded.  Scanning is done with a bar code scanner or a handheld scanner.


q  9.20.2– CLEAR WAREHOUSE LOCATIONS – Warehouse locations will be cleared from Stock Status (Menu 19.6) and also Product Detail Menu  The warehouse locations will return when inventory is complete and Menu 9.20.12 Update On-Hand Quantities has been run.


o   Optional – Menu 9.20.28 – Display Old Locations

Ψ  Menu 9.20.28 is a new menu path that if activated will display old warehouse location in Stock Status (Menu 19.6) during the physical inventory process.  The second step in the inventory process is to run Menu 9.20.2 to clear Warehouse locations.  When this menu is run it clears the warehouse locations in stock status and in Product Detail (Menu  Menu 9.20.28 allows for the old (cleared) warehouse locations to appear in Stock Status during the inventory process. 


Ψ  Note:  If Menu 9.20.28 is set to Y during inventory you must go back into this menu and set to N when inventory is complete.  Otherwise, the old warehouse locations will continue to display in Stock Status.


q  9.20.4 – ENTER PRE-COUNTS – The advantage to doing inventory completely in pre-count mode is that the store can remain open for business and handhelds/bar code scanners can be used for the entire process.

Ψ  Use Menu 9.20.4 to scan inventory using a bar code scanner.

Ψ  Use S3, Option #4 to scan inventory using a handheld.

Ψ  Scan inventory in the warehouse that is least likely to change, especially if the store is open during the pre-count process.   How To Scan Inventory Using a Handheld

Ψ As locations are completed, clearly mark the scanned locations with tape.  It may also help to print out a spreadsheet that indicates all warehouse locations.  Have people sign off on the area they are going to count.  This will help identify areas that still need to be scanned.


       9.20.3 – RUN THE NEGATIVE ON HAND REPORT AGAIN– Use Menu 8.4 to adjust negative on-hand quantities. You will not be able to freeze inventory if you have negative on hand quantities.


q  9.20.5 – FREEZE INVENTORY – All ports must be logged to the ‘Big J’.   The freeze process will take up to 60 minutes to run.


Ψ  Note:  After the inventory is frozen products not scanned using menu path 9.20.4, must be scanned into inventory using menu path 9.20.6.


Ψ  Note:  If there are negative on hand quantities at the time of freezing, the system will not freeze the inventory. Rather, it will tell you to run Menu 9.20.3 and correct any negative on hands and try freezing again. It is a best practice to re-run 9.20.3 before freezing inventory in Menu 9.20.5.

q  9.20.7 – NOT SCANNED REPORT – This report will display products that have not been scanned. A pattern will indicate if a warehouse or showroom location was missed, or scanned incorrectly. If a location has been missed use Menu 9.20.6 to scan into inventory. If a location has been scanned incorrectly, investigate further to uncover the cause, (i.e. incorrect scanning procedures).


q   9.20.6 – SCAN INVENTORY – Scan inventory not scanned during the pre-count stage. 


Ψ  Note:  Bar Code scanners can be used in Menu 9.20.6.  The handheld scanners cannot be used in this menu.


q  9.20.8 – UPDATE VARIANCE  - This program will calculate the difference (+/-) between the frozen on-hand quantity and the total inventory scanned for each item.


q  9.20.9 – VARIANCE REPORT – This report is used as a basis for recounts.  Divide this report among your inventory staff. Keep track of each page from this report so all recounts are accounted for.


Ψ  There are several ways to run the first recount process.  Some stores recount everything that appears on the Variance Report no matter the dollar amount.  Other stores FT the Variance report and sort it in Excel by dollar amount.  During the first recount the focus is on items (+ or -) $200.00.  On the subsequent recounts the focus is on items (+ or -) $100.00 and (+ or -) $50.00.


Ψ  CAUTION:  After Menu 9.20.9 Variance Report is run, Menu’s 9.20.4, 9.20.6, and 9.20.7 cannot be run again.

q  9.20.10 – ENTER ACTUAL COUNTS - Enter the tag number (use Menu 9.20.11 if tag numbers are missing from the Variance Report) from the Variance Report; enter the total count of any product that has changed.


Ψ  The Variance Report has columns for warehouse location, quantity counted for that location, On-Hand count (OH.CNT) (count in the system prior to the pre-count), and a column for PI Count (PI.CNT) (pre-count total).  Adjustments only need to be made in Menu 9.20.10 if the On-Hand count is correct or if a totally different quantity is counted during the recounts then what appears in the On-Hand Count column or the PI Count column.

Ψ  After the recount, if it’s determined that the PI. CNT is correct then no changes need to be made to that item in Menu 9.20.10.

Ψ  However, if the person recounting determines that the PI.CNT is wrong, then you need to use menu 9.20.10. 

Ψ  Step 1 – Enter the tag number

Ψ  Step 2 – Enter the actual number in stock


q  Menu 9.20.8 & 9.20.9 - After the actual counts are entered in Menu 9.20.10, rerun Menu 9.20.8 & 9.20.9. This sequence can be run as many times as needed as long as Menu 9.20.12 has not been run.


Ψ  Note:  Menu Paths 9.20.8, 9.20.9 and 9.20.10 must be run in this order. After adjustments are made through menu path 9.20.10, menu path 9.20.8 must be run to update changes and 9.20.9 must be rerun to confirm changes and reprint the new variance report.


ό  Important – If Menu 9.20.28 was turned on to show old warehouse locations, it must be turned off now.  To turn off go into Menu 9.20.28 and enter ‘N’ to when asked to display old warehouse locations.

This is the Final Step – Inventory will be updated once Menu 9.20.12 is run.


       9.20.12 – UPDATE ON HAND QUANTITIES - Confirm the final number on the Variance Report is correct. Stock status on-hand quantities will be updated and variance adjustments will be posted to the inventory history audit (INQ 7.B).


Optional Inventory Reports


q  9.20.11 – FIND TAG NUMBER FOR AN ITEM – Use Menu 9.20.11 to find a tag number.  This process can be faster then scrolling through the Variance Report.


q  9.20.13 – P.I. VALUE COMPARISON REPORT - Total inventory balance before and after the on-hand quantities have been updated.


o   Note:  This report does not include NS Items


q  9.20.15 Move Items for Location – Use this program during the

physical inventory process to change the warehouse location on all items with a wrong location to the correct warehouse location.  To update warehouse locations after inventory use Product Detail (Menu or go into Stock Status and type in ‘PD’.


q  9.20.20 WARE.LOC Maintenance - Use this program to setup your warehouse locations.  Enter the warehouse to create the location in. Enter the Location (i.e. SW1) you want to setup.  The Sequence and Cycle Count fields are for future use. Leave them blank.  Enter a Zone, if desired, that the location resides in.  Setting up the warehouse locations is done prior to starting the inventory count.


1.    Enter the Warehouse

2.    Enter the location (up to 8 digits)


How to Setup Warehouse Locations


q  9.20.21 WARE.LOC Listing – This report will list all of your warehouse locations


q  9.20.22 List of All Products w/No Location - This report details the list of products with quantity on-hand that have no warehouse location listed in product detail (Menu  Before beginning your inventory, consider it a best practice to run this report. To tie a product to a warehouse location use Menu 34.11 Scan Warehouse Locations.  If you have the Symbol handheld scanner the S3 option 1 – Scan Location can also be used to tie a product to a location.


q  9.20.23 Upload Warehouse Locations to Menu 9.20.20 – This menu uploads locations from an Excel spreadsheet into Menu 9.20.20.  The spreadsheet must be saved as WARE.LOC

o   Note:  The format for the warehouse location Excel spreadsheet is as follows:

§  Column A = Location

§  Column B = Zone (R/P/S/B/W/C)

§  Column C = Cycle Count (Y/N)

§  Column D = Type (H/R/W)


q  9.20.24 List of Items by Location/Vendor – This report provides a list of items by location or vendor.  The locations pull from Product Detail Menu


q  9.20.28 Display Old Locations - Menu 9.20.28 is a new menu path that if activated will display old warehouse location in Stock Status (Menu 19.6) during the physical inventory process.  The second step in the inventory process is to run Menu 9.20.2 to clear Warehouse locations.  When this menu is run it clears the warehouse locations in stock status and in Product Detail (Menu  Menu 9.20.28 allows for the old (cleared) warehouse locations to appear in Stock Status during the inventory process. 


Note:  If Menu 9.20.28 is set to Y during inventory you must go back into this menu and set to N when inventory is complete.  Otherwise, the old warehouse locations will continue to display in Stock Status.


q  Menu 9.20.30 Top 50 Variance Report (+/-)
This new report shows the top variances up and down in a variance report format. It is called the Top 50 report, but the number of items displayed is user defined.  The report shows, based on value change, the top items up and down. It can be run at any time after the variance has been updated (Menu 9.20.8)

o   Users will first be prompted for a printer number.

o   Next, users will be prompted for the warehouse to run for

o   Then the number of items to show on the report. - If you enter 100, you will get the top 50 items up and the top 50 items down for a total of 100 items.  If you enter 200, you will get the top 100 items up and the top 100 items down for a total of 200 items.


Last Updated 12/05/08


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