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Menu 35.8
A/P Parameter Default Maintenance
This screen sets the system defaults in menu 13.20.1 Accounts Payable Voucher Input Screen.  

The default set, will be applied to vouchers entered in menu 13.20.1, for that reason it is recommended that defaults are only set for the following fields; 2, 11, 12, and 13.  When the system stops on one of these fields in A/P and nothing is input, the system will input the default recorded in the field below.

Menu 35.8

  1. Vendor #   - DST recommends a default is not set for this field
  2. Trans code  -  Set the default to; 'I'nvoice, 'C'redit Memo, 'D'ebit Memo, 'QA' on account.
  3. Invoice #  - DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  4. Inv date DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  5. Due date - DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  6. Gross amt - DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  7. Merch amt - DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  8. Non-disc - DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  9. Discount $ - DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  10. Discount % - DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  11. Pay status - The default may be set to 'PAID' for hand check, <ENTER> for today's date, 'H'old or 'P'ay. 
  12. Bank # - The default may be set to the bank number.
  13. Single chk  - Enter 'Y' for this voucher to print on a separate check
  14. Misc desc - DST recommends a default is not set for this field.
  15. G/L Code -The default may be set to the standard general ledger number.
  16. Dist amt- DST recommends a default is not set for this field.

(updated 1/23/2006)




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