Menu 35.3 Pricing Parameter Maintenance
Menu 35.3
Use 'C'lass or 'T'ype in customer discount maint -Set to 'T', the special discounts in Menu 5.3 Customer Discount, will be based on Type. Set to 'C' the special discounts will be based on Class.
Set each price by warehouse - If set to 'Y' the 'each' price in Price Maintenance (menu will be different for every warehouse.
Use List Pricing in Order Entry - Enter a 'Y' to turn on list prices.
List Price Multiplier for Flyer - This will determine who receives flyer pricing. If you enter a 1.00, everyone will receive flyer prices and the flyer price will be displayed in stock status. (This is the only way flyer prices will be displayed in stock status.) If you enter .60, anyone with a multiplier of .60 or less will receive flyer prices and flyer prices will NOT be displayed on stock status.
Clear 50 & 100 Lots on B92 - B97, L96 - L98, & N98 - If set to 'Y' then 50 & 100 Lot will be cleared on B92 - B97, L96 - L98 and N98.
Menu-5.33 Lowest Each Price - IF set to 'Y' order entry pricing will override the M-5.33 pricing if it finds something lower (EX: say the item is on flyer that month, it will give the lower flyer price instead of the M- 5.33 price in all cases)
PM.21.Price Matrix set to Y on ALL items
System Wide Price Markup - Set Field 8 to a percentage (ex: 1.00) to mark up ALL prices by that percentage. After the each price is calculated from the list price multiplier and/or the Menu 5.15 pricing matrix then the markup is applied. If the price that is used comes from a lot price or a fixed contract in Menu 5.3, those prices are NOT marked up.
***Note: That this mark-up does NOT affect actual pricing in the system.
Save List Prices for 60 days during weekend EOD
Full 32.20 catalog update on weekend
Program Validation - If set to Y the system will validate all programs entered into customer master ( screen 2 field 7 - programs,) M 5.15 Matrix and M 5.3 Fixed prices against the programs that have been entered into Menu 5.19 Program Maintenance. If this flag is set to Y and you enter a program that is not valid into any of these 3 areas that system will stop you to say "This is NOT a valid program."
Use lower Flyer over Matrix - If set to Y the system will use the lower of the two prices from Menu 5.15 (matrix) or the Flyer price.
(updated 06/17/09)