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Menu 35.1
Order Entry Parameter Maintenance
This set of screens sets the order entry system-wide parameters. A change in m-35.1 affects all order entry functions immediately.  If the order entry flow on individual sessions needs to be controlled, use the PARAM function at the order number prompt in Order Entry (m-1.2).

Menu 35.1, Screen 2
<<Menu 35.1 Screen 1>>  <<Menu 35.1 Screen 3>>

  1. DISPLAY GROSS PROFIT % ON TOTAL SCREEN  -In order entry total screen the gross profit% for the current order is displayed if set to 'Y'
  2. TAX MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES  -Determines is miscellaneous charges should be taxed or not on invoices and credit memo
  3.  TAX CORE CHARGES -Determines if core charges should be taxed or now.  'Y' to tax core charges on invoices and credit memos.
  4. SPLIT CREDIT MEMO PICK/PACKS -On pick packs where there is a credit line and an invoice line answering 'Y' will create separate pick packs for each
  5. PRINT PICK/PACKS BY LINE # OR PRODUCT # -Input 'P' to print pick packs by prod# and enter 'L' to print by line#.
  6. ASSIGN INVOICE NUMBERS WHEN FINALIZED -If set to 'Y' invoice numbers will be assigned when the ticket is finalized.  If set to 'N' they will be assigned when the order is filed.
  7. CHANGE WAREHOUSE -Use this parameter to create a special option to transfer, dropship, and ship-to tickets out of existing tickets.  This option is in Order Entry Line Detail screen, Field 6, where you select the options you want available for the counter staff.  Change warehouse for: 1=Transfer, 2=Ship-To, 3=Dropship, 4=1 and 2, 5=1 and 3, 6=2 and 3, A=All, N=None.
  8. QUOTES TO PRINT ON INVOICE OR PICK TICKET PRINTER -Set to 'P' quotes will print on pick ticket printer and set to 'I' they will print on the invoice printer.
  9. PROMPT FOR OPERATOR WHEN EXITING MENU-1 -Operators will be prompted to enter their code again when leaving menu 1.   Used for access restrictions, some operators are only allowed access into menu 1.
  10. RESTOCKING FEES FOR CREDIT MEMOS ONLY  -If set to 'Y' limits restocking fees to credit memos only.
  11. AUTO PRINT TRANSFER TICKET AT OTHER WHSE -If set to yes, the transfer ticket created in the local warehouse will automatically print in the other warehouse.  If set to 'N' you will manually need to print the ticket.
  12. PRINT CREDIT HOLD PICK TICKETS   -If set to 'Y' credit hold pick tickets will be allowed to print, otherwise there will be no option to print…only to 'Hold'.
  13. TERMS CODES TO NOTIFY OPER OF CREDIT BAL  -String together terms codes for notification if customer has credit balance.  EX:  2;3;15.  Use m-12.2.31 to print a list of Terms codes.  To create Terms codes use m-12.2.11.  
  14. STOP IF SCANNED QTY IS GREATER THEN AVAIL  -Enter 'Y' to have the system pause if a scanned quantity is more than the available quantity.  If set to 'N', the program automatically assumes every item scanned is correct and continues the process. 
  15. AUTOMATIC FILL OF SUBSTITUTE ITEMS   -When an item is out of stock and has a valid substitute, setting to 'Y' will allow for automatic substituion of an item.  M- to set product substitutes.
  16. STANDARD HONOR DAYS FOR QUOTES     -Informational field that sets the default days to honor quotes.  Will print on quotes automatically.  When filing the quote, you will be prompted to accept the default or enter your own.
  17. FOLLOWUP DAYS BEFORE HONOR DAYS TO PRINT RPT FOR QUOTES -There is an eod report that prints warning you of quotes that need to be followed up on prior to the quotes expiring.  This allows you to set the number of days prior to the expiration.
  18. SORT FOLLOWUP REPORT BY: 1)CUST NAME, 2)OPER NAME 3)SALESMAN NAME IN OE, OR 4)SALESMAN NAME IN CUST.DET      -Sets the sort option for the quote followup report.  Option 1 sorts by customer name, 2 sorts by operator name, 3 sorts by salesman name in OE and 4 sorts by salesman name in customer detail.

(updated 1/23/2006)


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