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Menu 35.1
Order Entry Parameter Maintenance
This set of screens sets the order entry system-wide parameters.  A change in m-35.1 affects all order entry functions immediately.  If the order entry flow on individual sessions needs to be controlled, use the PARAM function at the order number prompt in Order Entry (M-1.2)

Menu 35.1, Screen 1
<<Menu 35.1 Screen 2>>  <<Menu 35.1 Screen 3>>

  1. Allow new order numbers to be created -Y=allows counterstaff to create their own order numbers.  DST recommends this be set to 'N' in order to allow the system to generate and track order sequencing.  Orders will still be 6 characters but may contain a combination of numbers and letters.  Standard order number format is 6 digits  EX:  ######
  2. Invoice with no print option -If set to 'Y then counter staff can finalize an invoice without printing a copy.
  3. Add or delete certification data -If set to 'Y' operators can maintain certification data in order entry.  The proper procedure code is 'CB' for certified buyer.  Operator codes are maintained in m-12.1.4.
  4. Original Operator to print on finalized invoices -If set to 'Y' the original operator will printer on the finalized invoice.  If set to 'N' the operator who finalized the ticket will print.
  5. Credit Check at entry time (header screen) -If set to 'Y' order entry performs a credit check in the header screen.
  6. Credit check at file time (total screen) -If set to 'Y' order entry performs a credit check in the total screen.
  7. Terms code for cash received -terms from customer file Terms codes listed here require cash received in order entry.  Separate terms codes by ';'  EX:  10;11;22.  Use m-12.2.31 to print a list of Terms codes.  To create Terms codes use m-12.2.11.
  8. Separate Credit Memos -This parameter, if set to 'Y' splits up the credit memo and invoice when a customer returns an item and purchases an item at the same time.  The system assigns separate invoice numbers for each transaction.
  9. Input Serial numbers on pick packs -If set to 'Y' system will prompt to input serial numbers on pick packs
  10. Terms code to by-pass credit check -terms from customer file Terms codes listed here bypass the order entry credit checks.  These are typically set to terms that are cash only terms.  Separate terms codes by ';'  EX:  10;11.  Use m-12.2.31 to print a list of Terms codes.  To create Terms codes use m-12.2.11.
  11. Split credit memos on warranty exchanges -Set to 'Y' all credit memos and invoices that are part of a warranty exchange will be split.  Warranty exchanges are initiated by using a '1R' for the quantity.
  12. Notification if pick packs or invoices did not print - Set to 'Y' to be notified if a pick pack does not print.
  13. Use 'UNF'inalize authorization to cancel orders -If set to 'Y' operators with the 'VD' procedure code as set in M-12.1.4 will be able to cancel orders.
  14. Use special invoice description on invoice print -Set to 'Y' uses Johnstone Corporate Special Invoice (M-, field 7) description instead of the regular product description (M-
  15. Require a Warranty Sequence number on warranty returns -If set to 'Y' order entry line detail maintenance screens requires operator input of a warranty sequence number on warranty returns (transactions with a 1R quantity or warranty reason code 006)
  16. Assign the original operator to backorder releases -This assigns the original operator to backorder releases instead of using the operator that is creating the backorder release.
  17. Option for 'P'ick all and 'S'equential on all releases -When in order entry, accessing a ticket with backordered items, you will get the time-saving options to pick all lines and to have the program automatically take you through each line sequentially.
  18. Require certified buyer input at line item input -If set to 'Y' order entry will require certified buyer input at the time the product is entered.  If set to 'N' you will be prompted after the order entry total screen.  Use M-, field 3 to assign hazard codes to products.
  19. Automatically add 'ABOVE ITEM ON SPECIAL' message -when set to 'Y' invoices print an automatic message for flyer items "Above item on special" to draw attention to flyer items.

(updated 1/23/2006)


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