Printer Options
Menu 25.1 Select A Printer
Select a printer for your port other than the one assigned as a default in Menu 12.10. Set this menu before running a report which does not have a printer select opition, or to designate a different printer.
U2006.1 Users now have the option to FAX, EMAIL and DISPLAY reports. This option has been added to all of the menus' with a printer select option.
System assigned printer number |
‘#’ |
System assigned printer number |
Pick Port location assigned to printer |
Printer or printer buffer status. Normal status is "inactive": the printer/buffer is ready and waiting for the next document to be sent. An "active" status means the buffer is full and either and a large print job is printing. If the status remains "active" but nothing prints, the printer has an output problem. |
Port description, set up during initial system installation and maintained through Menu 20.11 - Terminal definition setup |
Line # |
Current port or terminal |
Status |
Status of your printer assignment. "HS" / print only to the spooler, "P" / print only to the printer, "HP" / print to the spooler and print another copy to the printer. |
Copies |
Total number of copies set to print; standard is "1". |
Form # |
Assigned printer. |
Select a printer number to print to from the list.
- Type 'hs' to hold a print job in the spooler
- Type the printer number and 'h' to print and hold a job (ie -2h)
- Press Enter to select the current assignment
- Type 'AS' to select a slave printer
- Select 'FAX' to fax to a designated number, you will be prompted for the fax number
Enter C-ontinue? enter 'C' Select to send the fax 'O'vernight, or 'I'mmediate Enter the Fax number Ener your operator code
- Select 'EM' to email, you will be prompted for an email address.
Enter C-ontinue? enter 'C' At the Hold Entry # ### - input <Enter> At the '?' you must <Enter> again to continue. Enter an email address and a message and send the report.
- Select 'D' to display the report on the screen.
Make your selecitons for the report The system will Display the report on the screen To exit the report - use Ctrl+x
(updated 2/20/2007)