Menu 5.20.5 List Price Multiplier Upload (click here for printer friendly version)
Description: This menu path M-5.20.5 allows you to bulk maintain your customers' list price multiplier from a spreadsheet.
Why Use it: Instead of having to access customer master maintenance to change your customer List Price Multipliers in M-, screen 2, field 37 for each and every customer you want to change, you can setup a spreadsheet in a specific format/layout and upload as few or as many customer multipliers as you want. ***This works really well in conjunction with Menu 12.2.40 Customer ABC Report.***
How to Use it:
- Setup your spreadsheet as outlined in the supporting document or scroll down to view. ***DSST recommends running the Customer ABC report from M-12.2.40 to easily get the data for this spreadsheet.***
- Save the file names as listprc.txt to your PICK folder on your C:\ drive
EX: C:\PICK\listprc.txt
***No Column headings needed |
**Multipliers must be 4 digits |
*Watch out for leading zeroes on customer#'s and account for that in the cell formatting. |
- Access M-5.20.5 and you will get the following message; Y*** to continue
- After answering Y*** and if the system finds your file properly named and in the expected location it pulls the sheet from your PICK folder and updates the customer master file.
- If during the update, there are any customers listed on the spreadsheet that did _NOT_ update you will be prompted to print out a listing of those records.
Sample Report:
- Once the update runs, DSST recommends spot-checking what was uploaded and updated. Go to M-, screen 2 field 37 to confirm the multipliers loaded correctly. EX: 0.4565 and not .0456, etc.
M-5.20.5 List Price Multiplier Upload -Sample and Spreadsheet Layout
Save as: listprc.txt |
Column A |
Column B |
Save to: C:\PICK |
Customer# |
List Price Multiplier |
EX: C:\PICK\listprc.txt |
***No Column headings needed |
**Multipliers must be 4 digits |
*Watch out for leading zeroes on customer#'s and account for that in the cell formatting. |
Sample Spreadsheet |
6371 |
0.4125 |
C:\PICK\listprc.txt |
0.7500 |
5004 |
0.4650 |
6722 |
0.4125 |
5995 |
0.4125 |
3320 |
0.4650 |
5000 |
0.4750 |
7398 |
0.4650 |
6527 |
0.4125 |
1985 |
0.4125 |
3694 |
0.4125 |
2844 |
0.4125 |
6648 |
0.4650 |
3700 |
0.4125 |
7265 |
0.5000 |
7461 |
0.4750 |
1807 |
0.5000 |
8015 |
0.6000 |
3759 |
0.4125 |
6106 |
0.6500 |
M-5.20.5 Sample Spreadsheet (when viewed in notepad)
(Updated 10/3/07) |