Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
Upgrade Documentation
Signature Capture Information
Hand-held Information
UAG Meetings

U2004.2 Upgrade Documentation
(Printer Friendly Version in .PDF format )

Menu 1                                                                                                                             Order Entry

Menu 1.2 Order Entry/Invoicing

Corp recently rolled out a web-based cross-reference system called JXI.  This cross-reference system can now be accessed from 1.2 Order Entry/Invoicing.  Simply type in 'JX' when on the Item Description field.

*You must have AccuTerm 2k2 installed to use this feature. See Menu 19.6 for more information.

Menu 6                                                                                                            Inventory Evaluation

Menu 6.14 E-Items Branch/Customer Maint

This program has changed so there will be no DISCOUNT OFF BRANCH COST. It will use 0 discount in all cases.

Menu 6.33 Create Quotes from Last Calc

At the end of the quote create, there will be another prompt after the quote number has been created that says  "Do you want all items on this quote to be re-sorted by a.prod.no: Y/N" (By Product Number.) It will sort by part number, then by warehouse. So it will still show the same part multiple times, but they will be sorted next to each other.

Menu 11                                                                                                                     Sales Analysis

Menu 11.17 Customer Avg Sales per Invoice

This menu will show you a listing of customers with their average sales per invoice. After entering your printer selection, you will be taken to a screen which will ask for the company and then the range of dates, by periods, to calculate an average for.  Refer to menu 28.0.1, field #4, to determine how many days invoice records are retained. The user can only calculate averages for as far back as they have history in their invoice file.   The periods must be entered in the YYYYMM format.

The report will show, in customer number order, the customer, the number of invoices in the selected period, the average invoice amount and the average gross profit amount.

Menu 12                                                                                                             Maintenance Menu

Menu Customer Master Maintenance

A new field for e-mail address is now available in Customer Master. It is field #17 of screen 1. This is where the email address will be pulled when emailing invoices during EOD*.

*The Invoice Email option is only available if you have Signature Capture Installed.

Menu 13                                                                                                              Accounts Payable

Menu 13.3.23 A/P Check Register - by Period

This is a new check register that can be run for any period, including the current period.  It is driven by the period in which the check was cut.  The report is printed in check number order.

After selecting your printer, you are then asked to enter a date, this is the last day of the month you are running the check register for.  Next, you are asked to enter the accounting period (YYMM), this should correspond to the previous entry.

The fields displayed on the report are check number, check date, vendor number, vendor name, invoice number, invoice date, voucher number, gross amount, discount taken and the net amount of the check.

Menu 13.33 Corp Business Profile Rpt Menu

The Corp Business Profile Report Menu was established to assist you with generating a report that displays Percent of Purchases by Merchandise Vendor depending on how you are billed (direct, through corp, etc.) This information was requested by Corp for Phase II of the Business Profile but will also be useful for other applications.

In order to make gathering this information easier, Database Support has created a new report, Purchases by Vendor Bill Type. This document will walk you through the process of generating the report and verifying vendors are coded to the correct bill type.

Step 1: From the Main Menu select menu path 13.33 “CORP BUSINESS PROFILE RPT MENU”

Step 2: When running this process for the first time, select menu path 13.33 Option #2. This will run the “PERCENT OF PURCHASES BY VENDOR BILL TYPE RPT”   The Percent of Purchases by Vendor Bill Type report breaks down by company, the percent or purchases for each vendor type code.

To verify that the vendors are categorized correctly in the “PERCENT OF PURCHASES BY VENDOR BILL TYPE RPT” continue to Step #3.

Step 3: Run menu path 13.33 Option #3 the “VENDOR LAST 12MO PURCHASES BY BILL TYPE RPT”

Step 4: Run a report for each of the 7 Vendor Bill Types listed. Review these reports for vendors that are coded with the incorrect Vendor Bill Type.  (Refer to the glossary at the end of this document for a definition on the Vendor Bill Types.) Continue with the following steps to correct vendors coded with the incorrect Vendor Bill Type.

Step 5: In menu path 12.4.1 select Option #5. “VENDOR BUYING MAINTENANCE”

Step 6: Enter the Vendor Number and change the Vendor Bill Type on line #9. See HELP displayed in the screen below. Select one of the vendor bill types

Step 7: Once you’ve completed changing the vendor bill type, return to menu path 13.33. Run Option #1 “RUN UPDATE FOR LAST 12MONTH PURCHASES
BY BILL TYPE”. This will update the Percent of Purchases by Vendor Bill Type report with the changes made in Step 6.

Step 9: Run menu path 13.33 Option #2, again. The report will reflect the changes that were made.

Click here for a glossary of terms

Menu 16                                                                                                    End-of-Day Processing

Negative On-Hand report # 01-135

This report prints products that have a negative on hand value and is available as part of your End of Day reporting.  If running paperless End of Day, use menu 16.5 to control this report. It is tagged as report number 135 (01-135, 02-135 etc...)

The report lists the company, the product, the warehouse and the quantity on hand (which is negative).  Value at average cost is the calculation of the products average cost times the on-hand.  If the on-hand value is negative, your value at average cost will be negative.  Last Date is the last inventory transaction date (invoice, receiving, stock adjustment, etc.)  See below for a sample of the report.

New Warranty Items to Claim Report # 01-137

This report is available as part of your End of Day reporting.  If running paperless End of day, use menu 16.5 to control this report. It is tagged as report number 137 (01-137, etc…) It can also be run from menu 15.1.  It is a listing of parts on credit memos where the reason for return was 006 for “warranty.”  The report will list the tag # (warr file#), the company number, the vendor number, the product number, the average cost of the item, the release number created in Order entry and the Customer.   See sample below.

Inventory Problems Report # 01-151

This report is now available by company and can be controlled through menu 16.5 (report #01-151, 02-151 etc...) For complete documentation on this report, click here.


List of Laser Printed Invoice # 01-168

The List of Laser Printed Invoices report is Paperless Day End report number 01-168 and the printing/emailing of this report can be controlled through menu 16.5. This report is for you to use to make sure all of your invoices printed the night before that you need to mail. The report is printed in alpha order by customer name, the same order as your invoices printing on the printer.

Menu 17                                                                                                End-of-Month Processing

FT EOM Reports

The ability to FT reports from the End-of-Month selector (Month-End) menu is now available, by selecting FT as the printer number.

Summary Tax Report - Composite #01-180 & Summary Tax Report - Base Tax #01-181

These two reports are now available as Paperless End-of-Month reports and can be controlled through menu 17.5. (Report #'s 01-180, 01-181, 02-180 etc...)

Menu 19                                                                                                                               Inquiries

Menu 19.6 Stock Status Inquiry

Corp recently rolled out a web-based crossreference system called JXI.  We thought that it would be nice to be able to access this crossreference system from Stock Status. To do so, type 'JX' <enter> from the Stock Status screen* and it will pull up your internet browser** window at the JXI login screen.

*You must have AccuTerm 2k2 installed to use this feature.
**There is an Internet Explorer setting that controls the way windows are pulled up that you may have to set in order for this to work correctly. In Internet Explorer, click Tools>Internet Options. Select the ADVANCED tab and scroll down until you see "Reuse windows for launching shortcuts" under the header "Browsing." If this is checked, it will use any IE browser window you already have open to launch the JXI login screen. If this is not checked, it will open in a new IE browser window leaving anything you already have open alone.

Menu 27                                                                                                       PO Forecasting Menu

Menu 27.1.21 Inven Parameters (WEB/ROP/E-Items)

Non catalog parts will now be included in the ABC ranking.  Non-stock ('NS') parts are not included.  Also, these non-catalog parts will be included in the ROP/EOQ calculation each week since they are items that the store wants to stock.  Depending on the parameters set your ROP calculation is done once a week.  If you have a 'Y' in Field #9, it will ignore Fields 5 & 6 and only calculate all products on the Weekend. (You may also access this parameter through Menu 35.11)

Menu 27.4 Report Forecast

A column for Pre-paid freight dollars and Minimum order dollars and a column for the Product Master (PM) Vendor name have been added to this report.

Menu 32                                                                                                        Corp. Transmissions

Menu 32.11 EDI 850 PO Transmission

There has been a new ship code added - 48 UPS Saturday Early AM Delivery.
Complete documentation of Menu 32.11 and 32.11a can be found here.

Menu 35                                                                                                                 Parameter Menu

Menu 35.10 Auto Cost/Vendor Update at EOD

Users no longer need to run menus 32.1 and 32.2.  Cost transmissions now run automatically as part of the End of Day process.  Price Transmissions are also included as automatic parts of the End of Day process, but only from the 1st through the 25th of the month.  Price transmissions after the 25th include the next month’s flyer prices, which will automatically update as part of the End of Month process. 

Parameters for the automatic price/cost update are controlled through menu 35.10.

Line #1 controls whether or not you receive a list of new products from the price transmission with your end of day reports. 
Line #2 controls whether you’ll need to manually maintain new products in menu 5.5 or individually, using the new product report.  If you answer Y at this prompt, all new products will be maintained automatically.
Line #3 controls whether or not you receive a list of POs with different costs than costs received in the nightly cost transmission. 
Line #4 controls whether or not you receive a list of parts on contracts with changed costs with your end of day reports. 

Menu 32.3 will still show a listing of products with various fields blocked from the cost/price transmission.

Menu 35.19 Event Notification Menu

35.19.1. CREDIT AUTHORIZATION – enter the company number that the event will take place in. 


1-9. EMAIL ADDRESS - Select lines 1-9 and enter the email address of the people 
        you want notified when a credit authorization takes place in OE. 
10. CREDIT HOLDS ONLY – Enter Y to get emailed only when people hit ‘H’ to hold in 
       order entry to hold the order and do not enter an authorization password. Because if 
       the counter people don’t know that password and it’s been authorized already, don’t 
       care about knowing about it.
11. TERMS CODE(S) - allows you to enter the terms code(s) that you would like 
       excluded from the notification process.  A complete list of the terms can be found by 
       printing Menu 12.2.31.  If entering multiple terms codes separate by ; (Semicolon)

*Note - In Customer Master Maintenance menu field #16 on second screen (Past Due Days) you can increase the number of days and limit the number of notifications you will get based on being past due. For Example: For those customers that have 05 as their terms code (Net 10th following purchase), You can put a value of 20 in this field. That means the customer won’t come up for a credit check until 20 days after the 10th. So the 30th is when you’ll be prompted for a credit check at OE for these customers.

35.19.2. PRICE HOLD – enter the company number that the event will take place in. 

1-9.  EMAIL ADDRESS - Select lines 1-9 and enter the email address of the people you 
         want to be notified when someone overrides a price hold in OE.
10.  GROSS PROFIT % - allows you to enter a minimum GP%.  If the GP% is higher than 
        amount in line10 then no event notification will take place

35.19.3.   SOLD BELOW COST – enter the company number that the event will take place in. 

1-10.  EMAIL ADDRESS - Select lines 1-10 and enter the email address of the people 
           you want to be notified when someone sells an item below average cost.

35.19.4.  PRICE OVERRIDE – enter the company number that the event will take place in.

1-9. EMAIL ADDRESS - Select lines 1-9 and enter the email address of the people you 
        want notified when a price override takes place in OE.
10. GROSS PROFIT % - allows you to enter a minimum GP%.  If the GP% is higher than 
       the amount in line 10 than no event notification will take place.
11. BYPASS QTY PRICING – If  ‘Y’ is entered you will not receive a price override 
       notification as long as the price of the product that was overwritten was found in one 
       of the quantity buckets.  Enter ‘N’ if you want to receive notification. Blank defaults to No

35.19.5. NON-STOCK/00-ROP RETURN – enter the company number that the event will take place in.

1-9. EMAIL ADDRESS – Select lines 1-9 and enter the email address of the people you 
        want notified when a non stock product is returned in OE.  You will also be notified if 
        a returned item (stock or non-stock) has a ‘00’ ROP.
10.  MIN DOLLAR AMT – Enter the minimum $ amount of the sale that you would like a 
        notification sent.  Ex:  If you have $5.00 in field 10 and a customer returns a product 
        they purchased for $4.00 you will not receive a notification.  However, if the 
        customer paid $6.00 for the item, you would receive notification.

Menu 35.22 Order Entry NS Message

This menu controls the feature which will pull standard memo lines in order entry whenever a non-stock (NSXX-XXX) part is sold.  A non-stock item is defined as an 'NS' item or an item with "00" ROP or a Temp Flag in product master. See Menu 35.22 below:

You have the option to enter one or two memo lines. Enter ‘1’ at the prompt and you will be taken to line #1 to enter your first message line. Whatever you type here will be displayed in order entry and on the customer’s invoice below any non-stock lines.  Do the same for line ‘2’.  Once you have entered your message, ‘0’ to accept and save.

Whenever a non-stock part is sold the message line will display:


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