Glossary of terms from the Corp. Business Profile Report Documentation
Vendor Bill Types • CORP DC VENDOR Most stores use Vendor # 001 for ordering from a Corp DC. If you use any other Vendor# to order product from a Corp DC then make change the Bill Type code for that vendor to a 1.
• DIRECT ORDER VENDOR This is a Johnstone vendor that bills you directly instead of going through the Johnstone Corporate office (such as: Atofina or Honeywell).
• DROPSHIP VENDOR This is a Johnstone vendor that bills the Corporate office, which in turn bills you for product ordered direct from the vendor (such as: Marathon).
• NON JOHNSTONE VENDOR This is a vendor that is not in the Johnstone catalog and does not deal directly with the Johnstone Corporate office but a vendor you order product from.
• OTHER JOHNSTONE STORES This is another Johnstone store, not affiliated with your business, you may buy product from (such as: using our Web Inventory to buy a product from a neighboring Johnstone store).
• UNKNOWN VENDOR TYPE These are vendors that we could not figure out which other category they may belong to. This category will include vendors such as S01, S02 etcetera, that you use to transfer product between your branches. Leave the branch transfer numbers coded as an Unknown type of vendor.