End of Day Reports
New Warranty Items to Claim Report ##-137 This report is available as part of your End of Day reporting. If running paperless End of day, use menu 16.5 to control this report. It is tagged as report number 137 (01-137, etc…) It can also be run from menu 15.1. It is a listing of parts on credit memos where the reason for return was 006 for “warranty.” The report will list the tag # (warr file#), the company number, the vendor number, the product number, the average cost of the item, the release number created in Order entry and the Customer. See sample below.
End of Month Reports
Two new reports have been added to the end of month job stream: Open Warranty Report and Unclaimed Warranty Report. These reports have been tagged as 01-183 and 01-184 and their EOM printing can be controlled through Month-End 5.
Unclaimed Warranties Report ##-183
Open Warranty AR Report ##-184