Accounts Receivable
Dunning System
To generate Dunning Letters the flag must be set in the Customer Master Maintenance, Menu, screen 2, field 8, to “Y”.
The aging parameters, set in Company Ageing Maintenance, Menu 12.1.9, will not affect the Dunning letter codes that are generated in Menu 4.4.1.
The letter codes are determined as follows:
The first letter (letter 1), will be sent the first time a customer has a balance, that is 31 – 60 days past due. This is the friendly letter, reminding the customer there is an unpaid balance.
When the update (Dunning Letter Updt – Menu 4.4.1) is run again and the customer still has an overdue balance, the customer file will be updated and the customer will receive the second letter, (letter 2). Running the Dunning Letter Update again, any customer with a past-due balance and no payment history will receive the third letter, (letter 3). The Dunning letters (i.e. 1, 2, or 3) are not due date or period sensitive. In other words, if the update, menu 4.4.1, is run three times in one day, the past due customers’ letter code will change from a one to a two all in the same day.
Once the customer receives the third letter, the customer is flagged with an "*". The asterisk will print on the Dunning Letter Edit Report, Menu 4.4.2 and will display in Dunning Letter Customer Maintenance, Menu 4.4.3. The asterisk indicates that all three letters have been sent and the customer has been given several changes to clear the account.
Letter four and Letter five are also available to be sent, Letter four alerts the customer they are now on credit hold and Letter five is the final letter sent prior to sending an account to collections. To send a customer letter four or five, field 1, Menu 4.4.3, must be changed to 4 or 5 manually. The text for all letters may be modified or changed by using menu 4.4.5, Dunning Letter File Text Maintenance.
Menu 4.4.1 - Dunning Letter Update to Customer Detail File - Updates all customers with a past due balance to the next letter. This update is not due date or period sensitive. The letter code will change every time the report is run.
Menu 4.4.2 - Dunning Letter Edit Report - A report of current account receivables, the Dunning Letter to print- is indicated in the left column, LTR, letter 1, 2, 3. A single asterisk “*”, indicates all three letters have been sent. Two asterisks “**” indicate the Dunning Record flag is not set on the Customer Master Maintenance Screen, Menu screen 2, field 8.
Menu 4.4.3 - Dunning Letter Customer Maintenance - To manually adjust the Dunning Letter a customer is to receive, Line 1 may be changed to 1,2,3,4 or 5.
Menu 4.4.4 - Dunning Letter Form Print - Print current Dunning Letters assign to Customers.
Menu 4.4.5 - Dunning Letter File Text Maintenance - Edit text on any Dunning Letter.
Menu 4.4.6 - Special Pricing Letters
Last Updated 06/01/09 |