Menu 15.11 - Update Warranty File with Vendor Credits
U2006.3 Upgrade Feature The GL number for the warranty system will now be the default in 15.11. The GL used is from 12.1.7, field # 15. Users can still override that account number; although, it is highly discouraged.
If a vendor sends a credit for the warranty claim, this program allows you to update your warranty general ledger files. For disputed items, you can claim credit for all or part of the claim.
Vendor credits are set up in Menu 13.1.1, Accounts Payable Voucher Input.
- Enter the claim number for which the credit was received. The following prompt appears: WHEN THIS CREIDT IS ENTERED IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WHAT G/L NUMBER WILL BE USED - ##-####-##
- Enter the general ledger number entered on the credit, usually the inventory general ledger number. At the next prompt IS THIS OKAY (Y/<CR>)? answer 'y' if correct. Enter 'n' to make changes to the general ledger number.
- Confirm the vendor and original amount are correct on the next screen Warranty File Update From Vendor's Credit Memo. If correct answer 'y' at the next prompt IS THIS THE CORRECT CLAIM (Y/N)?
- IS THIS CLAIM COMPLETE AND READY FOR CLOSING (Y***/N)? If part of the claim is in dispute, answer 'n' and update individual lines of the claim. If claim is complete type 'y***' and proceed.
- The total amount cleared will display and the following prompt IF THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS THE CREIDT YOU RECEIVED, DO YOU WISH TO APPLY THE DIFFERENCE TO A DIFFERENT G/L # (<CR>/N). If you Enter <CR>, type in the amount of credit received from the vendor, then type the general ledger number to apply to. Enter 'y' to accept the Warranty general ledger number and the amount of the credit received.
- Enter the next claim number or 'end'.
(updated 1/24/2006)