Physical Inventory - Bar Coding
Menu 9.20.30 - Top 50 Variance Report (+/-)
Menu 9.20.30 Top 50 Variance Report (+/-) This new report shows the top variances up and down in a variance report format. It is called the Top 50 report, but the number of items displayed is user defined.
The report shows, based on value change, the top items up and down. It can be run at any time after the variance has been updated (Menu 9.20.8)
- You will first be prompted for a printer number.
- Next, you will be prompted for the warehouse to run for
- Then the number of items to show on the report. - If you enter 100, you will get the top 50 items up and the top 50 items down for a total of 100 items. If you enter 200, you will get the top 100 items up and the top 100 items down for a total of 200 items.
Last Updated 7/07/06