Menu 5.3 – Contract Prices
This menu sets up “programs” and contracts. A program is a group of prices setup for a group of customers, generally for a particular category of products such as “SUMMER07,” a program for special pricing on AC parts that applies only to AC-qualified customers.
**Remember to enter the program name or number into Customer Master, Menu, Screen 2, Field 7.
A contract is setup for specific customers.
Example: Customer “Smith’s AC” is a good customer who buys frequently but only a few products at a time. As an incentive to continue this trend, consider setting up special product pricing just for this customer.
Step 1
- Enter your Operator code.
Step 2
· Enter the customer number (the name and address display) or program name, and the Enter to confirm. You may see a message, NOT ON CUST.MAST FILE. IS THIS A NEW PROGRAM (Y/N)? If you type an unrecognizable number. If you enter a customer number, type ‘N’ to re-enter the number. If you enter a program name (“A,” “B”, “Fall07,” “Winter07…”), type ‘Y’ to continue.
Note: You may also input stops and required fields to improve the flow of entering products. To do this, enter ‘STOPS’ or “REQUIRED’ at the customer prompt.
Step 3
- Enter a product number to add to the program or contract, to view an existing item, or change its price. A product not yet on the program or contract displays message, NOT ON FILE. IS THIS A NEW ITEM (Y/N)? Enter to retype product number, or ‘Y’ to accept.
Step 4
- Fill in the necessary fields for the changes you need, paying special attention to Price, Effective Date, and Price Breaks.
Contract Price fields:
1.PRICE The "each" or "sell" price for a specific item on this particular contract. Every contract and program item must have this price.
2.OLD PRICE This field cannot be altered; use this information on which to base new pricing.
3.CURRENT AVG COST Same as for Field 2.
4.EFFECTIVE DATE This date of last price change is vital; a contract or program without an effective date is invalid.
5.CONTRACT EXP DATE Contract expiration date used for pricing calculations. We recommend using expiration dates on programs and contracts to prevent indefinite pricing; however, it is not required.
6-10.QTY BREAKS Quantity at which price break begins
11-15.PRICES Price per item at quantity break
Step 6
· Type ‘0’ to accept and enter the next product number for the same contact. Enter another product number or type ‘end’ for next customer number, or ‘end’ again to exit.
Last Updated 10/31/07