Option 1 – Maintain Customer Discounts
This is a special pricing program to set up pricing for specific customers using broader categories: discounts or markups on product types or classes (depending on parameter in Menu 35.3.1), discounts for specific vendors, and authorize/restrict products.
Column A is for Product Class and Category - allows only one entry per row in column A, B (product) or C (vendor), along with setting up column D (price pointer) & column E (discount/markup percentage)
Option 2 – List Customer Discounts
This report will list customer numbering, customer name, company number, class, product, vendor and customer discount; based on discounts enter in old Menu 5.27.1. To run, select the printer number to print to or FT for the file transfer.
Sample Report for a Detailed List of Customer Discounts.
Last Updated 11/01/07