Product Files
Menu 12.3.38 - Product Pad (FT Only)
Description: ‘FT Only’ version of product pad
Menu Path: Menu 12.3.38 Product Pad (FT Only version)
Why Use it: There probably isn’t a better report for raw product data…and there probably isn’t a worse report for printing out a lot more pages than needed. The FT version of the product pad provides the great info and builds it on an expandable platform for easy additions of more fields.
How to use it: There will be no printer select. Answer the prompts to Menu 12.3.38 and the report will FT into your Pick folder on your C:\ drive named FT.TXT. Once the report File Transfers, open with Notepad or import easily into Excel.
Sample of FT’d product pad.
Last Updated 2/26/08 |