Menu 15.6 Warranty Adjustment
Menu 15.6 -Warranty Adjustment Program allows you to make changes to a warranty item even if it has been claimed (M-15.3 Finalized). This program provides the ability to assign the claim to a specific general ledger account or change the accounting period affected by the claim. Any change (amount, gl#, reference, etc) constitutes an adjustment.
Follow these steps for Warranty Adjustments:
- Proceed to M-15.6
- Enter operator code
- Warranty Sequence -Enter the warranty sequence number to adjust. Enter a warranty item number (found on an existing claim in the TAG NBR column) or this number can be arbitrarily assigned by the operator. If an existing warranty item is entered, the current audit displays on the screen. At this point you can edit Reference#, Amount, Comment, GL#, Period.
***Cannot change the existing lines displayed in the body of the warranty adjustment screen_only add to it by making adjustments to lines 1 through 5.
- Accept the Warranty Adjustment -After adjusting the appropriate fields (Reference#, Amount, Comment, GL#, Period) '0' to accept.
- Review Adjustment -To verify the adjustment go back into M-15.6, put in the reference number as entered in step 3 and the adjustment will show as an 'ADJ' transaction in the body of the warranty adjustment screen.
(Updated 1/12/06 -JLD)
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