[ Best Practices for List Price Structure Change]
As we receive more and more bulletins from Corporate notifying us of a “List Price Structure Change” we would like to share some Best Practices for maintaining your special List Less Pricing when faced with this change. In response to the Motor List Price Structure change that happened a couple of months ago we created a NEW Menu path 32.29 Special pricing by catalog page which allows you to identify the products that you have set up with List Less 5.15 and/OR 5.3 pricing. You can use this Menu path for ANY “List Price Structure Change.”
Best Practices for Managing your List Less Pricing and a “List Price Structure Change”
1) Make sure that all of your pricing managers are assigned to EOD report 01-182 Products with List Price Change in Menu 16.5. You also must have parameter 35.10.4 List of Contract Prices with Cost Changes set to Y to store the prices for this report. Review this report daily – See Menu 5.0 daily task # 3 http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dmdg4kj_20hkz7gff7
2) Set up an Alert on JEN for bulletins regarding “List Price Structure Changes.”
3) Once the Bulletin comes (IE such as Bulletin C – 21643 K-Flex, Armacell, and Nomaco List Price Structure Change) - identify which catalog pages the product is located on in catalog 200. Then, you can run Menu 32.29 Special pricing by catalog page to identify what 5.15 Matrix pricing you have set up with D Pointers. Also, this report will show you if you have any 5.3 pricing. REMEMBER that only the List Price will be changing with this List Price Structure Change Corp transmission – which will affect List Less Pricing ONLY. Costs, Cost Plus pricing, and 5.3 pricing will remain the same. Also, send communication to your customers VIA your Sales Team that the List Prices will be changing. Take advantage of this opportunity to drive Sales!!
4) You can then use Menu 5.35 (Matrix Listing) and Menu 5.36 (List Less Pricing) to identify how the pricing is set up and determine if you want to leave it alone to update with the transmission – or change the pricing.
5) The day of the transmission (in this case new List prices will be updated June 15th) verify that you received the new List Prices VIA EOD report 182 – List of Products with List Price Change.