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PO Forecasting

Menu 27.5 PO Forecast Maintenance


U2008.3 Upgrade Features

Description:  Display 'F'orward and 'B'ackward season code flags in PO Forecast Maintenance


How to Use it:  The PO Forecast Maintenance screen now displays the ‘F’orward and ‘B’ackward season code flags. 

F = Seasonal item that will use a forward usage method

B = indicates a non-seasonal item and will use backward usage method


Description:  Add the option to view customers’ backorders directly from the Forecast Maintenance Menu.   Eliminate having to go to Stock Status (S) and then to the Backorder (BO). 

Why use it:  To view customers’ backorders directly from the Forecast Screen

How to use it:  From the prompt, select ‘BO’.  If there are backorders for this item, Open Orders by Item will display listing all orders with this item on backorder.  The user can select a customer’s order and go directly to the Order Entry process.


U2007.3 Upgrade Feature

Description:   On-hand and On Order Qty of subs has been added to the forecast screen

Menu Path:  Menu 27.5 (Maintain Forecast)

Why Use it:  New fields added to the forecast maintenance screen to lessen the need for screen hopping from one menu to another by having more of the pertinent information all on one maintenance screen.

How to use it:  Train your eyes to the Sub PN section and the Sub On Order Qty is displayed in the VOQ column.

Description:  On Hand display for ALL DC’s and your store group

Menu Path: Menu 27.5 (Maintain Forecast)

Why Use it:   Easy reference for all DC inventory for cataloged items as well as inventory totals for stores within your group.  

How to use it:  Menu 27.5, train your eyes to locate the DC inventory in the top-left and your store inventory in the top-right.


U2006.3 Upgrade Featurs(s)
When forecasting for vendors, other than Corp, on the line below the VOQ and line above the SUBSTITUTE ITEMS, the following information will display:

FGT=  {From Vendor Buying Information Inquiry - Menu 19.14.10, Field 10 FRT TERMS}

MREQ= {From Vendor Master Maintenance, Field 32. MIN REQ}

When forecasting for Corp, a (flashing) CENTRAL message will also display directly below the AOC vendor number, identifying a product as centralized.


U2006.2 Upgrade Feature(s)

Forecast Maintenance now displays the MIN ROP instead of the Season Code.  The MIN ROP pulls from Menu, Field 6.  The MIN ROP will allow the ROP to move up as needed by an increase in Sales, but will not allow the ROP to go below the minimum specified.

Note:  The Season Code can be found in Menu, Field 5.



Menu 27.5 & 27.4 - Maintain Forecasts & Report Forecast
Corp has a project named Aurora which gives stores a discount if a Standard Pack is purchased by certain vendors. 
Database has added 2 features that allows users to know that an item is part of the Aurora Standard Pack program.

1.      In Menu 27.5 when a forecast quantity is more than 50% of the Corp Aurora Standard Pack this message
will appear, “Consider ordering the Aurora Standard Pack from Corp”. 

2.      The PACK column in Menu 27.4 has been changed to show the Aurora Standard Pack, followed by the letter “A”.

U2005.2 Upgrade Feature(s)
Menu 27.5, field 5 (ROP) (U2005.2) - is now password protected, re-order points cannot be changed without authorization.  The system will prompt users to "Enter Password to Maintain ROP"

The password is set in Menu 12.1.18.


Menu 27.5 (U2005.2) - Now displays the "Critical Info' notes that is transmitted from corp that have to do with the DC that the item is or is not stocked in. The two messages that will be displayed will be either "NOT STOCKED IN DC'S" or "STOCKED IN MDC,PDC ONLY"

This information will be displayed directly underneath the part number and will be highlighted. As in the example below, outlined in red.

Last Updated 02/12/09

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