Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
Upgrade Documentation
Signature Capture Information
Hand-held Information
UAG Meetings

Upgrade U2005.1 Documentation

Printable version - U2005.1 Documentation

Menu 1                                                                                                     Order Entry and Invoicing

1.2 Sales Order Inquiries

There is now a way in which counter or sales people will be alerted when an item has been quoted to a customer and put into the Database system.

When accessing a customer account, if that item has been entered in as a quote, a message saying, "This item is still open on quote number (8 digit number)" will appear at the bottom of the screen.

At this point, two things can occur.  You can back out of the order, look up that quote, convert that quote to an order and proceed, or you can continue in order entry with the order.  However, if you do not go back afterwards and cancel the quote, every time that one part number is entered in that specific account, the message will come up telling you that it is still on a quote.

**Refer to http://dstdocs.sitemax.com/param_35_9.asp for instructions on turning this message off.

1.2 Order Entry Customer Discount Percentage

When the discount percentage is changed in line 3 of the order entry header screen, an email notification will be sent to the email address in menu 35.19.4 Price Override.

1.11 Quote Reprint

Users now have the ability to re-print quotes.  This is a non-html quote reprint feature.

1.20.10 Phone Long Distance Maint.

This menu is used to specify LOCAL area codes that do NOT require the '1' when dialing.
Enter the area code, then enter an 'N'.

Menu 4                                                                                                             Accounts Receivable

Menu Option 4.2.39 Past Month’s Batches


The purpose of this new menu path is to allow users access to AR batches from previous periods (within the last 120 days).  The user is first prompted to enter a printer selection:

Or can chose a screen option to view the results:

If you are inquiring about a specific batch, you can enter the batch number at the following prompt, or hit return for ALL:

You may also further narrow the report, by selecting one customer, multiple customers (separated by a semicolon) or ALL customers:

The next prompt gives the user the option for summary or detailed data. Summary data will produce output limited to the batch number, the batch total and the write off amounts:

If you choose detailed output, the batch number, the invoice number, the customer, number, the customer name, the reference number, and the posted amount will display.  This is best viewed on the printer instead of the screen.  If you choose screen display, CTRL-X will terminate the report.  Output for the detailed report, on the printer, will display as:

Menu 5                                                                                                                  Price Maintenance

5.33 New Customer Pricing Matrix

Users now have the choice of Customer (C), Program (P) or Customer Class (S).  The 'S' (Customer Class) will pull from Menu Screen 2, field 4.

Visit http://dstdocs.sitemax.com/pricing_5_33.asp for complete documentation on Menu 5.33.

Menu 11                                                                                                                       Sales Analysis

11.18 Invoice Totals by Operator


This menu displays invoice totals by operator or salesman #, by company and by select period.


1) Select a printer

2) Enter Company (2n) or <enter> for all?

3) Enter Beginning Period (YYYYMM)?

4) Enter Ending Period (YYYYMM)?

5) Sort by – 1)Operator  2)Salesman ?


Invoice Totals by Operator or Salesman

Enter Company (2n) or <enter> for all ?04

Enter Beginning Period (YYYYMM) ?200503

Enter Ending Period (YYYYMM) ?200503

Sort by - 1)Operator  2)Salesman ?2




11:59:36 04 Mar 2005      Invoice Totals by Operator      Page    1

                          for period 200503 thru 200503


co# opname......... sale.amt..


    BRUCE SCHAEFER                 2682.89

    CUSTOMER DIALUP             1174.60

    DAN SCHRECK                             4.99

    JEFF COLLIER                          2539.59                               

    JEFF_MILLER                            520.57

    JOSH GOODMAN                       92.29                    

    RON-II                                           20.63

    RYAN LEWIS                              80.95

    TIM ADLER                               256.70

    TONY KURTZ                           196.70

 04                                                   7569.91



[405] 52 items listed out of 52 items


Menu 12                                                                                                                   File Maintenance Product Detail Maintenance

To allow your system to accept the Corp transmitted information for either the Serialized Product or the Taxable Flag, set the parameter to "Y" on m-35.6 screen 2, Fields 15 and 16.  Go to menu 35.6 - Parameter File Maintenance to view the complete instructions. 

12.3.6 Hazardous Ship Code Maintenance

The hazardous ship codes are now being transmitted daily from Corp. Flagging of Customers that do not want prices printed on Pick packs or Invoices

Use Menu, field 16 if you have customers that prefer not to have pricing on their pick packs or invoices.  Enter a 'P' in field 16 if you do not want pricing to appear on a customer pick packs.  Enter 'I' if you do not want prices to print on invoices.  Enter 'B' if you do not want prices to print on pick packs or invoices.

Menu 15                                                                                                                                  Warranty

15.8 Aged Warranty Receivables Report - Combining All Stores

Use Menu 15.8 to view this report that combines Aged Warranty Receivables for "all" of your store.

1.  Select the printer number that you want the report to print on.
4.  If you want to combine all store onto one report type 'C' and hit return.

Menu 16                                                                                                       End-of-Day processing

16.5 EOD Report X-ref

This new report not only shows you the invoices that were unfinalized the day before, but also if they were re-invoiced with a different dollar amount.  ***Print Report M-16.6 EOD.XREF Listing to find the report number.***

Each release is separated by the line (***************************)
The first time the release is shown is the re-finalized release.
The second time the release is shown is the originally finalized release.
As you can see on this example, after the first release was unfinalized, several items were added to it before it was re-finalized.

16.6 End of Day Open Bar Code Receivers Report

This report will list any bar code receivers that were left open and not received into the system before day end started.

  1. Go to menu 16 "Day End".  Enter DE password.
  2. Choose Menu 6 EOD Report Xref File Listing.  Then choose the printer number that you want it to print on.  It will list the following menu: 

EOD Report Xref File Listing


Enter Company (2n) or <enter> for all ? For example choose store 01. (this will print out all the end of day reports assigned to store #01. Pull the report and look for “list of open bar code receiver”. It will have a number beside it. Record that number (i.e. 01-169).

Now  choose Menu 16.5 “EOD Report Xref Maintenance”.  The screen will look like the following:


EOD.XREF ID        --------- (Enter CO#-rpt#)

1. RPT.NAME....:

2. Email.Addr1.:

3. Email.Addr2.:

4. Email.Addr3.:

5. Email.Addr4.:

6. Printer#....:

7. No.Copies...:

8. Font size...:


The cursor will be flashing beside “EOD.XREF ID”.  Here is where you will enter the store number, a dash, then the report number that you recorded earlier. For instance  01-169. See below:


EOD.XREF ID        01-169    (Enter CO#-rpt#)

1. RPT.NAME....: List of open bar code receiver

2. Email.Addr1.:dennis.putman@johnstonesupply.com

3. Email.Addr2.:

4. Email.Addr3.:

5. Email.Addr4.:

6. Printer#....: 3

7. No.Copies...: 1

8. Font size...:


Fill out the appropriate printer or email address where this report should be sent.  Then hit '0' to accept. (Do the same procedure above if you want to apply it to your other stores i.e. stores 02 etc...)


A notification will now be sent if any bar code receivers are left open when the day end starts.



EOD Lost Sales Report – Additional Information

Two additional fields have been added to the Lost Sales report created during End-of-Day.  The report will now show the ROP for the part as well as the Sales Dollars for the last 12 month period.

00:47:29 08 Mar 2005     LOST SALES AUDIT TRAIL          PAGE    1 
WHSE PRODUCT #...... PROD.DESC................ VEND DATE1... QTY.. ROP.. SALES.12MO.. OPER.NAME...... PORT
001  B10-099         SLD8-5SVHH DRYER           480 03/07/05     1     0         0.00 Bob P           53
001  B12-299         ASD-35F5-VV 049170 DRIER   483 03/07/05     1     0        53.27 Bob P           53
001  B14-052         SFD13F5VV 060248 DRIER     483 03/07/05     1                    Bob P           53
001  X89-625         2702-321P VENT MOTOR       615 03/07/05     1                    Joey C          50
                                                                 4[405] 4 items listed out of 4 items.


Menu 19                                                                                                                                   Inquiries

19.6 View Quotes from Stock Status

Users now have the ability to view quotes from Menu 19.6 Stock Status

Input the part number in Stock Status

Input 'Q' at the prompt and a list of all open quotes for that part will appear.

Enter the quote number (8N) to go into the quote.  The system will also prompt for an operator code after entering the quote number.

19.6 Stock Status "Web"

In stock status, when you type “Web,” you can now see the inventory available at the Allentown Distribution Center in addition to the Memphis and Portland Distribution Centers.  The bottom of the screen shows the last time that the inventory screen was updated.


19.6 Stock Status Last Cost Changes

The dates of Cost and Price changes that post to the file maintenance history (menu 12.7), for example manual updates to product master maintenance (, will be displayed in stock status on the lower part of the screen. It is helpful to know when the last time a cost or price was updated when quoting a price to a customer. (See example below)  

Corp transmissions, Uploads through menu 5.9 or programmer updates through TCL are excluded from displaying this information because they are not posted to file maintenance history.

If no changes have been made in product master maintenance, then "NO CHANGES FROM MENU" will be displayed on the screen.

19.11 & 19.13 Display change

The display has changed on menu's 19.11 and 19.13.  The old view of 19.11 allowed you to view the Vendor Open Purchase Order Inquiry by listing the purchase orders under store number i.e. store 01, 02, etc....  The new display change now allows you to view the Vendor Open Purchase Order Inquiry by the actual "Johnstone" store number i.e. store 88. 

Menu 19.13 now allows you to view the Open Purchase Order by Item by the "Johnstone" store number i.e. 88.

Menu 25                                                                                                                      Printer Options

25.5 Abort Default Laser Printer(s)

This new program is to abort a print job on the default laser printer.
The default laser printers are specified in Menu 35.12, field 10 for Signature Capture EOD Invoice printer and Menu 35.14, field 2 for Laser Statement printer.

First, you will be prompted to enter the company number, this is because the default laser printers are different depending on the company.

Next it lists the two default laser printers and prompts for which one to abort (stop.)

Laser Printers for Johnstone Supply

   1. Default EOD Printer     (inv160_1)
   2. Default STMT Printer    (inv044_3)

Enter Printer# or 'END' to quit: 2

Select the line number for the printer you wish to abort and press <enter>

You will see the following messages on the screen

Now killing print job on default STMT printer

Now executing !rsh sig044 lprm -P inv044_3 -

Finally, you'll be prompted to turn the printer off and back on. Press <enter> when finished.

Please power the printer off and back on...
<CR> to continue

Menu 27                                                                                                                      PO Forcasting

27.1 Reorder Point Menu

ROP's for items marked as exceptional will be updated immediately rather than waiting for the next automatic ROP calculation. Exceptional sales can be marked in the following menus:

  • Menu 1.2 – Order Entry – Enter the quantity, followed by an E
  • Menu 19.6 -  Stock Status (E option)
  • Menu 27.5 – PO Forecast (SE option)
  • Menu 27.1.2 – Flag Exceptional Sales

The purpose of this change is to decrease the likelyhood of an item being reordered based on a bogus ROP that was calculated before the sale was marked as exceptional. For example, there is an exceptional sale on Friday that was not marked as exceptional at the time of the sale. The ROP is calculated during the weekend, then on Monday, after reviewing the possible exceptional sales report, the sale is marked as exceptional. At this point, before this upgrade, the ROP would remain, including  the exceptional sale, until the following week-end recalc. With the new upgrade, the ROP will be recalculated immediately after the sale is marked as exceptional. Use EOQ in Forecasting

Use Menu to turn off the EOQ functionality and sets inventory at a minimum level.  This happens immediately after the next day end.  You may want to turn off EOQ a month before physical inventory to set your inventory at a minimum level.

27.5 Maintain Forecast

How do you know whether to buy direct of from the DC on 'A' Vendors when processing a Corp order through Menu 27.5?

A running total now appears on Menu 27.5 to show the 'A' vendor direct forecase for each product that is an 'A' vendor item.

To enable this feature go to Menu 27.5C Forecast Parameters and change Option 4 'Display Corp/Direct $" to a 'Y'

Then go into Menu 27.5 for the warehouse number you are processing.  Under the Corp $ Amount you will see the 'A' vendor total $

This total will change as you add or delete items for that vendor, just as the Corp total changes.

Menu 32                                                                                                            Corp Transmissions

32.9 Warning Message for Purchase Orders that have already been transmitted

The system will now warn you if you have already transmitted a purchase order to Corp.  When attempting to send a PO that has already been transmitted before from menu 32.9, the system will display the following message:


This PO has already been Transmitted on : 03/11/05 at 09:57
Type a 'y***' to retransmit this PO:

Menu 35                                                                                                                 Paramenter  Menu

35.6 Parameter File Maintenance

New Parameter to control new Corp PTRANS Fields: Serialized Product  (m- Field 14. SERIALIZED INV) & Taxable flag (m- Field 17. TAX FLAG)

The new fields on screen 2 are:

15. Update serialized inventory flag from Corp price trans and
16. Update taxable product flag from Corp price trans.

If you want to accept Corp.'s transmission, enter a Y. If you want to ignore Corp's transmission, enter an N (or leave blank.)

Important note: Once the flag is set, it will only update from the current price transmission. If you would like all catalog items to be updated, either set the flag before the full catalog price transmission comes out April 1st, or run menu-32.20.

35.10 Automatic Monthly FTP of Complete Mailing List

This will automatically transmit your mailing list to corp.  Begin by setting your parameters in menu 35.10.  Set Field 7 to “Y” and in Field 8 enter the day of the month you want the mailer to transmit.  The mailer will automatically transmit to corp during EOD processes the night after the day entered.  Keep in mind that you still need to meet corps deadlines for accepting the mailing list.  The date entered needs allow for weekend/holidays situations.  DST recommends the 20th.  


Note:  Contact Karen Krist at Corp before transmitting your first monthly FTP.

35.12 Signature Capture Company Parameters
New field to specify signature Capture bypass password

Field 20, enter the password desired. If you leave the field blank it will use the default password of SST.

Menu 35.10.9 - New Hangout Report by Operator - EOD Update Parameter Maintenance 

This new parameter, field 9, controls whether you will get the original Hangout report sorted by release number, or the new Hangout report, separated by operator. Leaving the field blank, or putting an 'N' will print the original Hangout, Putting a 'Y' will print the new Hangout.

The new Hangout report will print each operator's orders on a separate sheet, and not only will it print the open in pick orders, but it will print the open Backorders as well.

Menu 35.19.8 Event Notification of customer back orders or special orders to purchasing agent

This program will notify the person you choose (purchasing agent) to receive an email notification of any items back ordered for your customer from anyone taking a customer’s order. The notification is immediate so the purchasing agent can react immediately to fill the order.



Begin by going to Menu 35.19.8. Enter the company store number (i.e. 01, 02 or 03) Select the line number and enter the email address of the person you would like notified. You can have multiple recipients. An email will be sent in the following format.




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