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DST Software Notice - #2005-01


Please DISREGARD this notice, if you have been using MENU-13.20 New Accounts Payable


Date:  March 8, 2005


Discontinuing support of Accounts Payable Menu path 13.1



The Database Support Team (DST) will discontinue software support of Accounts Payable (A/P) Menu 13.1 as of July 1st, 2005.  Stores using Menu 13.1 for Accounts Payable should transition to the new Accounts Payable, Menu 13.20 to receive A/P software support. 



As of July 1st, 2005, the Database Support Team will no longer be supporting the old Accounts Payable accounting processes (Menu 13.1).  To receive Database software support for Accounts Payable you’ll need to transition to the new Accounts Payable process (Menu 13.20).  DST will not remove Menu 13.1 from your system after July 1st.  The process will still be available for you to use but will not be supported by DST.  If you decide to continue using the following menu paths after July 1st, 2005, and you call DST for software assistance, you will be charged a minimum of $125 for each call.  The message you will receive if you try to access menu 13.1 after July 1st, 2005 is “This menu path is no longer supported, please use Menu 13.20 – Y***.”  Typing Y*** will give users access to menu 13.1.

  •  Specifically, we will not be providing support for the following menu paths:     

    13.1.1 - Voucher Input
    13.1.1A - Open Batch Listing
    13.1.2 - Voucher Maintenanc
    13.1.3 - Voucher Maintenance By Vendor
    13.1.4 - Voucher Deletion
    13.1.5 - Sequential Voucher Register
    13.1.6 - Daily Handcheck Register
    13.1.7 - Daily Expense Distribution Reports
    13.1.11 - Open Accounts Payable Maintenance


  • DST will continue to support the recurring voucher processes.  This process can now be found in Menu path 13.20.   However, you will still be able to process recurring voucher in Menu 13.1 if you choose to still use that menu after July 1st, 2005.

            13.20.8 - Recurring Voucher Input/Maint

13.20.9 - Recurring Voucher Listing

13.20.10 - Recurring Voucher Update


Transitioning to Menu 13.20

In order to make this transition as easy as possible, DST is offering two Beginning and Intermediate Accounting classes during the DST Training Conference in Las Vegas, NV (April 8th & 9th).  These classes will specifically address how to use the new Accounts Payable processes in Menu 13.20.  Please refer to the Training Conference Website for further class description information.  http://dst.sitemax.com/Training_Conference.asp.


If you cannot attend the conference you can read the online documentation for Menu 13.20.  Select the following link and then navigate to the link for Menu 13.20 http://dst.sitemax.com/all-menu-paths.asp.


Frequently Asked Questions

Question:  The old menu paths work fine for us, why are they being discontinued? 

Answer:  The old program has coding that was written back in the 1970's and future releases of the operating system may not support this old coding.  Also, all current & future training & development will be focused solely on Menu-13.20.


Question:  Menu-13.20.2 is too complicated? 

Answer:  Menu-13.20.1 and 13.20.3 replaces menu-13.1.1 thru menu-13.1.4 and you are not required to use menu-13.20.2 (this program was written for stores that would like to balance their inventory dollars to the general ledger).


We want to make this transition a success for everyone.  Please contact DST if you have any questions.


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