Order Entry - Delivery/Fuel Surcharge
The Delivery/Fuel Surcharge feature allows stores to charge a fee for items delivered. If you're interested in adding this feature to your system contact Database Support.
DST recommends sending a letter to your customers announcing the surcharge. A sample Delivery Letter is available to stores to use.
Delivery / Fuel Surcharge Process A custom menu path is provided that allows users to set the desired delivery/fuel surcharge. All first releases will have an automatic delivery/fuel surcharge added. See field 7 Freight. The delivery/fuel surcharge will not be applied to second, third, etc. releases.

The operator will have the option to ZERO out the delivery charge on multiple invoices to prevent a duplication of the fuel surcharge on the same delivery.

DST will add a custom menu path to Menu 10, which will provide the option of excluding specific customers from receiving a delivery/fuel surcharge.
Enter 'A' to add a customer or 'R' to remove a customer for the exempt list. 
(updated 8/10/06) |