Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
Upgrade Documentation
Signature Capture Information
Hand-held Information
UAG Meetings

UPDATE U2004.2

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Menu 1                                                                                  Order Entry and Invoicing

Menu 1.20.8 Phone Exchange Maintenance/1.20.9 Phone Local Maintenance

Faxing invoices to customers through EOD processing – using a local fax server (linux server). 

Due to various long distance dialing issues, DST has created two different options to help configure your systems long distance dialing requirements.  These programs will tell your computer when a ‘1’ is needed in order to dial a long distance number.  Either option must be implemented with the help of DST.  Please start this process by determining which of the following options best suits your needs, gather the necessary information in a spreadsheet and then contact DST. 
***Note – if you do not set this up your system may not fax correctly. **

Typical format for phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX.  The area code is the first three digits and the exchange is the next three digits.   (area-exchange-XXXX)
Currently the base system determines whether a ‘1’ is necessary by looking first at menu field 29, and then to field 11.  If in field 29, or field 11 you have a 10-diget number the system will add a ‘1’ before dialing.  If it finds a 7-diget number in Field 29 or field 11, it will not add a ‘1’ when dialing.  For multiple store users, you must consider the dialing requirements from the location that the fax server is located.  Please gather the exchange information on a spreadsheet with two columns labeled area code and exchange.  DST will set up the initial installation - then it will be up to each store to maintain.

Option A – Menu 1.20.8 – Phone Exchange – Use this option if you want to enter the exchanges in your area that require a ‘1’ when dialing long distance.

Option B – Menu 1.20.9 – Phone Local Maintenance – Use this option if you want to enter the exchanges in your area that do not require a ‘1’ when dialing long distance, or if your area requires 10-digit dialing.

Menu 1.20.31 Fax Log Update & Report

This report will give you a few different options, but the main idea is to find out which faxes did not go through to the customer on a given night.  This report will replace any previous Excel report.

When you run the menu path, it will first ask if you want to update the record, if you answer 'Y' it may take a few minutes, then you will receive the following prompts

Enter Beginning Date to Report (MM/DD/YY) or 'END' to quit:

Enter Ending Date to Report (MM/DD/YY) or 'END' to quit:

Enter Customer Number to Report, <ENTER> for ALL or 'END' to quit:

1) Log Report of All Faxes for Customer
2) Report of Problem Faxes for Customer
3) Resend Problem Faxes for Customer

You can enter a beginning date as far back as the beginning of the current month and an ending date as early as the current date.

The customer number prompt is optional. If you are analyzing a customer who is claiming they are having a problem receiving their faxes and you only want to look for that customer's faxes, you can put in just their customer number.

The last three options are broken down below:

1) This will list all faxes - sent and unsent - for one particular customer or all depending on how you answered the enter customer number prompt.

2) This will list just the unsent or problem faxes for one particular customer or all depending on how you answered the enter customer number prompt.

3) This will automatically try to resend all of the unsent or problem faxes for the specified period of time for one particular customer or all depending on how you answered the enter customer number prompt.

Menu 1.31  Reprint Signature Capture Invoice

To reprint an invoice after signature capture has been installed use this menu. 
Enter release number (11-diget) for the invoice to be reprinted.  If you would like to print multiple invoices enter a semicolon (;) between release numbers.  If the release number that was entered was a signature captured invoice it will automatically print to the laser printer that port is configured to.  If the release number that was entered was an invoice created prior to signature capture you will be prompted to select the printer you want to print to.  Make your printer selection and the invoice will print.

Menu 12                                                                                                 File Maintenance

Menu 12.1.1 Company Maintenance

If Line 40 is ‘Y’ for yes, when an invoice is cancelled it will print a copy of the cancelled invoice with a ‘VOID’ watermark across the invoice.  It will print to the laser printer your terminal is assigned to.    Line 39 (Printer# Can Inv) becomes inactive at the time you go onto signature capture.   ‘N’ for no will turn this option off.  Leaving this field blank will default to no.

Menu Customer Master Maintenance

The chart below is intended to clarify the Fax Indicator options in Screen 1, Line 31 of customer master maintenance.

* This option will change when laser statements are completed.

Due to recent changes in the security of the .PDF files that will be emailed to your customers whom you have setup to email, the customer must have Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or higher in order to open the attachements.

Menu 35                                                                                                 Parameter Menu 

Menu 35.12 - Signature Capture Company Parameters

Enter Company number at prompt
The following new fields have been added to this menu:
Complete documentation of menu 35.12 can be found here.

11. REMIT TO NAME: Enter the company name here.
12. REMIT TO ADDRESS 1: Enter the first address line here
13. REMIT TO ADDRESS 2: Enter the second address line here, if applicable.
14. REMIT TO CITY, ST,ZIP: Enter the remit to city, state and zip code here.
        Note: When the remit to address prints on the bottom of the invoice, it prints on two lines. We suggest putting * or commas after the company name and each of the address lines to create a nice separation.
15. Print store-transfer invoices - Y – prints a copy of store transfer invoices when batch printing customer invoices.  N – removes store transfer invoices from the nightly/weekly batch print.  Leaving this field blank will default to Y.  Either option will still print a copy at time of shipping to use for packing list.
16. Print 2nd copy on credit memos – enter Y if you would like a second copy of the credit memo to print.  Enter N if you do not want these to print.  Blank defaults to Y.
17. Print 2nd copy on delivery tickets – enter Y if you would like a second copy of the delivery tickets to print.  Enter N if you do not want these to print.  Blank defaults to N.
18. Print tax flag – Enter Y if you would like the tax flag to print on invoices.  Enter N if you do not want the tax flag to print.  Blank defaults to N.
19. Watermark to print on form – Enter ‘1’ to have the words ‘Packing List’ print on the background of all non-cash invoices printed at the counter.  This watermark will not print on the invoices that are batch printed during EOD processing.

Signature Capture Account Update Letter                                                                         

A lot of you may want to send a letter to your customers letting them know about your new email and fax capabilities. Here is a sample letter that Santa Ana sent to their customers - this is a great example.

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