Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
Upgrade Documentation
Signature Capture Information
Hand-held Information
UAG Meetings

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Menu 1.2                                                                                                       Order Entry
Auto Invoice Message will now give a choice of the last three invoices that an item being credited was purchased on.

First, Make sure you have the parameter in Menu 35.1, screen 3, field 6 set to either "2" or "3".

When you are entering a credit in Order Entry, put in the part number, and then enter the qty being returned. First it will go into the detail screen and allow you to put in the reason code. After you 0 to accept then it will show the last three invoices that the customer purchased that item on and display the price that was paid for it at the bottom of the screen. You select the line number that corresponds to the invoice that it was originally purchased on or 'N' for no.

If the customer has not purchased the part more than once, it will automatically insert the message line with that one invoice number.

101966 - Only the last 4 digits of a certification number, that is a social security #, and of credit card numbers will print on an invoice

In order to prevent identity theft, for security reasons, and because, in some cases it is required by law, we have now changed the way certification numbers (if it is a social security #) and credit card numbers print on invoices.

  • Social Security numbers will be printed as ###-##-1234 (where 1234 is the last 4-digits of their social.)
  • Credit card numbers will be printed as ####-####-####-1234 (where 1234 is the last 4-digits of the credit card number.)

This change is ONLY for invoices; it will still print the entire number on a pick ticket to allow you to see the number, in the case of credit card numbers, to type in to your credit card machine.

Print the on hand qty on pick tickets.

We all have a problem knowing when our inventory is correct or not. The most likely people to notice discrepancies are the ones pulling the parts. Having the quantity on hand printed on the picks is a great tool for them to use to determine discrepancies.

The quantity on hand is printed in parentheses () between the part number and the order quantity so it is easy to see. The qty displayed is the qty that should be left on hand after the qty on the pick is pulled.  That way if they see (0) on the pick and there are 4 left on the shelf after they pull their quantity, or if they see (4) on the pick, but they can't find any to pull, they know to check it out and have the stock adjusted, if necessary. 

New Orleans has a procedure where they have boxes strategically located in the store and warehouse, when someone finds what could be a discrepancy, they write down the part number on a piece of paper and put it in one of the boxes. They have a key person that will inventory those items the next day. 

*This code will be installed by request only. The reason being is most stores have a customized pick ticket program and it would be too dangerous to put on an upgrade. If you would like to have this done, please enter your job request in the DST SupportDesk (http://www.myjohnstone.com/dst)

Fixed the problem where the authorized buyer would sometimes display incorrectly in order entry.

Fixed problem where operators not authorized for credit memos could still create one with the CR option.

Menu 3.1                                                                                     Daily Invoice Register

101926 - Changed daily invoice register so it would be the same as the eod report.

Menu 3.21                                                       Breakdown of invoices by ship code
New report showing the breakdown of invoices by the ship method.

You will first need to fill in the ship code type in 12.2.13 for each of your ship method codes. (You can get a listing of your ship method codes by running menu 12.2.33.)

In Menu 12.2.13, enter the ship method code and press <enter>
Then select whether that code is a Counter, Delivery or Ship type.

After you have filled in each of your ship method codes, you can then run menu 3.21 to see the breakdown. 

Recently, Corp requested this information in a survey and may possibly request this information again in the future.

This information will also be used with Executive Reporting in the future.

Menu 4.2.9                                                                   Monthly Cash Batches Listing

102026 - Added select printer option

Menu 5.2a                                                                                            Bulk Copy/Delete

102204 - Fixed problem with bulk delete when deleting a program it wasn't taking that program off of the customer master record.

Menu 6.15                                                                          Summary report of E-items

Added Exceptional Sales, branch cost and sales last 12 months these reports.
Please refer to
E-items documentation - 27.1.20

Menu 7.1                                                                                     Purchase Order Entry
102196 - PO Entry will now display and automatically grab Branch Corp Qty and Cost Breaks.
Currently this is being used for Mueller (vendor 526) parts. More vendors will be added at Corp's Discretion. 

When you are entering a PO in Menu 7.1 for corp. vendor 001, it will display the branch cost, direct cost and the Branch corp. qty cost breaks. If you order the Branch Corp Qty you will automatically get the cost break

Menu 11.16                                       Vendor Descending 12-Month Totals Report
New Vendor Descending 12 Month Totals Report

This report provides an instant idea of your gp%, inventory $ value, and inventory turns.

The columns you will see when viewing on screen are:

  • Vendor #,
  • Vendor Name,
  • Sales 12 months,
  • GP 12 Months,
  • GP%, and
  • Inventory $.

If the report is printed rather than viewed on the screen, the following columns will also be included:

  • Sales 2YR ago
  • GP 2YR ago and
  • PPD$

This report is updated at each Month-End. The sales last 12-months and GP last 12 months are running totals for the past 12-months sales. Inventory$ is what you had as of Month-End. After the upgrade is loaded on your system, you will need to go through a Month-End before this report will be available.

Menu 12.1.1                                                                             Company Maintenance
102197 - Changed field 35 to say YTD INCOME G/L# instead of retained earnings.

Menu 13.3.23                                                             A/P Check register - by period 

102093 - this can be run for any period.

Menu-13.20.1                                                        Accounts Payable Voucher Input

102205 - changed Voucher Entry/Maintenance as follows:
When using Menu-13.20.1 to maintain an existing voucher in a closed A/P batch, it will no longer start a new batch, but will go directly to the maintenance mode.  This maintenance mode will look similar to the old voucher maintenance program (menu-13.1.2). *Bug Fix

Menu 13.20.3                                                                        Auto Post Corp Invoices

102207 - When auto-posting corp. AP invoices thru menu 13.20.3 - automatically clear the 13.20.2 receivers. *This job requires that the user match their receivers with the corp. invoices in menu 13.20.14

Fixed menu to show the proper audit.

Menu 16                                                                                    End-of Day Processing
102194 - New eod report
that shows what unfinalized invoices are still open.

This new report will list any order numbers that were unfinalized and are still open.
It is Paperless EOD report #153

This report is to make sure that there wasn't an error where someone unfinalized an order to change or add to it and didn't re-finalize it and the product is gone.

Fixed problem where eom counter productivity report was missing. 

Fixed problem where forecast reports were missing during the eom.

102184 - Added the customer name to the eod unfinalized invoice report.

95430 - Fixed the problem with the warranty ar items to claim report not working in the paperless eod.

102200 - Added the negative on hand report to the end of day (Paperless eod report #135)

The negative on hand report will print a list of items that have a negative on hand quantity. This report is to help balance your inventory and identify inventory problems so you can fix them quickly.

End of Day Emails

Emails from end of day will now be sent from the DBS email server instead of showing from 'root' they will now say from dst@johnstonesupply.com. Please verify that you are receiving all of the end of day report emails that you should be. This way we now know whether these emails get where they should be - there are errors and logs.

Month-End                                                                                End Of Month Selector
The paperless end of month has been installed

Similar to how the paperless eod is setup.

Month-End Menu 6. EOM Report Xref File Listing

Documentation for "Paperless End of day and Month End"
1.  Why is this program/report useful, or what are the benefits of using it?
It allows you the ability to send reports to your email that you currently are printing. You can save the information instead of manually filing.
2.  How do you use it?
   Run menu path #16, DE is the password, #6 "EOD Report Xref File Listing", choose your printer number, then choose which company number and a report will print listing the report number and report name. Review the printed list and choose the report that you would like to start showing up in your email.  i.e.  I chose report 01 126 "Items below cost all".
3.  Go into menu 16.5 "EOD Report Xref Maintenance".  Enter the report you selected i.e. 01-126 (01 is the company 1 and 126 is the report number). It will show up as follows:
-----Original Message----- EOD.XREF ID        01-126    (Enter CO#-rpt#)
 2. Email.Addr1.:
 3. Email.Addr2.: larry.brudi@johnstonesupply.com
 4. Email.Addr3.:
 5. Email.Addr4.:
 6. Printer#....: 3;0
 7. No.Copies...: 1
 8. Font size...:

 4. Put the email address that you want the report to go to on line 2,3,4 or 5. (you can send it to different email addresses). Type "0" to accept. Day end and month end reports should start coming to the email address you specified.

Month-End Menu 5. EOM Report Xref Maintenance

Month-End Menu 11. Resend EOM Emails

Menu 19.6                                                                                                   Stock Status
102196 - Stock status will display corp. quantity cost breaks when you hit the D option for direct.
A current example vendor is Mueller (vendor 526). More vendors are being added at Corp's Discretion. 

When you enter a part number in Stock Status (i.e. R53-288), and press D <enter>
you will get an o
n-screen display with the Direct cost and qty and the corp Standard Pack Cost Break and Qty.

102203 - New "C" option in stock status to get to CPR (Customer Pricing)

After entering a part number in stock status, you may enter either C or CPR (Customer Pricing) <enter>. This will take you directly to the Customer Pricing screen. You can enter or lookup the customer number, then it will automatically bring over the part number from stock status and display your customer specific price.

This feature is a time saver when your customer asks first if you have a part, then they want to know how much. This will allow your sales staff to quickly get to Customer Pricing, and that customer's price, without having to back out of stock status and enter CPR and it keeps them quoting off of the stock status screen.

Fixed the stock status vendor lookup on 4-digit vendor numbers.

                                                                                                                                               102187 - Made the help in stock status more descriptive and added '?' as an option at the bottom of the screen.

Menu 19.9                                                                                    Summary A/R Inquiry
102186 - Deduct credit memos from summary ar inquiry

Menu 20.11                                                                          Terminal Definition Setup

102071 - Fixed to not allow changing of the term

Menu 27.5                                                                                          Maintain Forecast
Forecast Maintenance will now display the Branch Corp Qty and Cost Breaks.
Currently this is being used for Mueller (vendor 526) parts. More vendors will be added at Corp's Discretion.

When viewing, in Forecast Maintenance, a part with a Branch Corp Qty Cost break, the information will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. It is currently only displayed it will not automatically grab the price if you order the SP qty.

Menu 34.26                               Auto Update corp receivers from the packing list
The password to access this program is "corp"

 102202 - Fixed problem where certain telnet sessions weren't exiting during logoff.

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