Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
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UAG Meetings

Menu 6.19 Recall Reports.

To access the recall reports go to menu 6.19 Recall Reports.

Select option "1" to print the report to a printer. This report includes date of sale, release number, quantity, product number, customer name, first address line, and fax number.

Select option "2" - this report can be File Transfered (FT) and opened in Excel. This version includes date of sale, release number, quantity, product number, customer name, complete address, fax and phone numbers. Once the file is in Excel the report can be sorted as needed. The FT option is being used by several of the stores to do a Mail Merge and auto send the information to their customers.


1. Print 136 Column report - includes only the first address line.
2. FT (file transfer) to an Excel spreadsheet - complete address

The FT option is being used by several of the stores in order to use Mail Merge.

Enter 1 or 2 ?


after selecting a printer/print option the following will display


1. Robertshaw gas valves
2. RobertShaw TS-11 Thermal Safety Control Valves
3. Amana/Goodman PTAC

Enter 1 2 or 3 ?

Click on link for the File Transfer (FT) instructions.

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