Vendor Returns
The Vendor Returns process Phase 1 was designed to work in a manner very similar to the Warranty Return/Exchange process. Most notably, Vendor Returns are primarily created using Order Entry (Menu-1.2), utilizing either the ‘V’ line type along with order quantity or by entering a Credit Memo Reason Code of ‘100’. While Johnstone Data Services realizes that Vendor Returns would not generally be created using Order Entry (i.e. they are not necessarily a customer return), this was the quickest method from a programming perspective to provide the stores with some means for generating these types of transactions. However, we also realize that this process is not ideal and are therefore developing a new Phase 2 for Vendor Returns. The new version will focus on generating Vendor Returns outside of Order Entry as the primary method of creation. Also, the updated version will streamline the update to the General Ledger (again, currently this works the same as Warranty Returns) and provide options in the event the vendor fails to accept the return from the store. As we move forward with Phase 2, please provide any concerns and/or feedback on both the existing process and methods for improving the future process by logging a job online.
For more information on workflow for Phase 1 of vendor returns click the link. Vendor Returns Procedures -updated 8/29/08
**Important** - If you are interested in having Phase 1 of Vendor Returns loaded on your system, log a job online requesting the upgrade.
Last Updated 08/05/08 |