Menu Kit Master
Kits are created in menu (Kit Master Maintenance), but first the kit master must be created like any other new product using menu (must have a good product master and detail records).
When in product master maintenance (menu setting up the kit master, enter a ‘Y’es in field 25- INV BYPASS. The ‘Y’es will keep the system from ‘going negative’ for the kit master while still allowing the system to track the inventory quantities of the individual components.
Add the components to the Kit Master - Menu Column 1 is where the kit component is loaded and column 2 is where the corresponding component quantity is loaded.
Example: EX.PROD#: BILL-KIT INT.PROD#: 123456
1. COMP 1 B12-292 17. COMP 1 QTY 18 2. COMP 2 B10-360 18. COMP 2 QTY 5
Kit Reminders:
Pricing is based upon data loaded into the kit master. Price shows for master with components zeroed out ($0.00) when invoiced.
Kits backorder the entire kit if one of the components is unavailable or out of stock.
‘Y’es in kit master item field 23 (menu
Review the Kit Differential Report on a Daily basis. Available with the EOD Reports.
DON’T 1. DO NOT Backorder Kits on the System 2. DO NOT Backorder any part of a Kit 3. DO NOT put Pick Packs in the System for Kits.