Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
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Fax Log Procedures

1)      Run Menu 1.20.31 (EOD Fax Report)

·        Y (to update Linux server)

·        Choose Printer or FT

·        Beginning Date: Yesterday’s date

·        Ending Date: Today’s date

·        Enter (for all customers)

·        Choose report #1 (List of all Faxes)

·        If you chose FT, FT into Excel (save in fax report folder for example: 11.29.04 fax rpt #1 EOD) The reason for saving this report is so that you can refer back to it. This information will only be available for the current month and the previous month.

2)      Run Menu 1.20.31

·        N (no need to update server this time)

·        Choose Printer or FT

·        Beginning date: Yesterday’s date

·        Ending Date: Today’s date

·        Enter (for all customers)

·        Choose Report #2 (List of Problem Faxes)

·        If you chose FT, FT into Excel (save in Fax Report Folder ex: 11.29.04 fax rpt #2 EOD) The reason for saving this report is for future reference. This information will only be available for the current month and the previous month.

3)      Run Menu 1.20.31

·        N (no need to update Linux Server)

·        Choose Printer or FT

·        Beginning date: Yesterday’s date

·        Ending date: Today’s date

·        Choose Option #3 (Resend problem Faxes) This will resend all of the faxes that did not go though.

4)      Wait approximately 1 hour- to give the server time to resend all of the faxes.

5)      Run Menu 1.20.31

·        Y (Update Linux Server)

·        Choose Printer or FT

·        Beginning date: Yesterday’s date

·        Ending Date: Today’s Date

·        Choose Option #2 (List of Problem Faxes)

·        If you chose Ft, Ft into Excel. Cut and paste onto original “Problem Fax Report” right under the first attempt (see above #2.) This second attempt (Step 5) is the faxes that did not go through on the second try.  These invoices will need to be either printed or refaxed- see step 6.

6)      Investigate further why the faxes did not go through- Make notes on your spreadsheet for each customer of why the faxes are failing.)

·        Call the fax number

o       If number is invalid- contact the customer to get updated fax number (make notes in 4.1.9 Memo of any contact with the customer)

o       If you can not get an updated fax number (and the customer does not want to have their invoices Emailed) - print and mail the invoice(s) using Menu 1.31.  Change the code on line 31 (Print-Fax-Email) Customer Master to Null (Make notes in 4.1.9 Memo of all changes to the account.)

o       If the number is a valid fax number, refax the invoice(s) through 1.32 or 4.1.9 (Make a note in 4.1.9 Memo of refaxed invoices.)

7)      Manual Fax report M 1.20.32 (this will show you which manual faxes- run from menu 1.32 or 4.1.9- went thorough)

·        Choose Printer or FT

·        It will automatically update Linux Server

·         Beginning date: Today’s date

·        Ending Date: Today’s date

·        Enter Customer Number or <enter> for all

·        Choose Option #1 (List of all Manual Faxes)

·        If you chose FT, FT into Excel (save in fax report folder for example: 11.29.04 fax rpt #1 Manual) The reason for saving this report is so that you can refer back to it. This information will only be available for the current month and the previous month.

8)      Run Menu 1.20.32

·        Choose Printer or FT

·        It will automatically update Linux Server

·        Beginning date: Today’s date

·        Ending Date: Today’s date

·        Chose Option #2 (List of Problem Manual Faxes)

·        If you chose FT, FT into Excel (save in fax report folder for example: 11.29.04 fax rpt #2 Manual) The reason for saving this report is so that you can refer back to it. This information will only be available for the current month and the previous month.

9)       Investigate further why the faxes did not go through- Make notes on your spreadsheet for each customer of why the faxes are failing.)

·        Call the fax number

o       If number is invalid- contact the customer to get updated fax number (make notes in 4.1.9 Memo of any contact with the customer)

o       If you can not get an updated fax number (and the customer does not want to have their invoices Emailed) - print and mail the invoice(s) using Menu 1.31.  Change the code on line 31 (Print-Fax-Email) Customer Master to Null (Make notes in 4.1.9 Memo of all changes to the account.)

If the number is a valid fax number, refax the invoice(s) through 1.32 or 4.1.9 (Make a note in 4.1.9 Memo of refaxed invoices.)

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